The Fat Luve Squwaks Like a Dying Chicken... Real Mature

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The barely veiled menace that was rising from the younger Patriarchal members and their Heirs was so thick, I could nearly feel it. But as is the case with most self entitled types, the nasty creature before us was blithely unaware of the wolves in his midst. He began droning on about how very pleased he was that we could join him at his estate. And wouldn't we please enter his keeping for the evening? I looked to Adlar to see if this fool was serious. The look of thinly contained fury in the devastated fathers face had me reaching for him and grasping his forearm with a grip that had my nails digging in deep.

His flinch and sharp glare at me had me hissing at him in rebuke, "Have you lost your ever loving mind?! Now's not the time Daddy Batoor, to rush in due to instincts as her Sire being roused to a frenzy! You will fail, and make her situation worse as a result I can almost promise you this..." My voice choked up with tension, as I looked at the poor girl. I wanted nothing more than to sprint up those damn steps myself and visit unspeakable violence on that disgusting pretender. Patriarch, ha... the phrase is meant to be for one who is wise and capable of guiding the next generations in the proper and respectable ways of things. Not to abuse and debase the innocent to benefit for their own depraved enjoyments.

I pulled myself up short just then. And cringed internally, realizing yet again that I simply didn't know what it meant. I could only speculate what their idea of being subjugated meant. Was it as bad as a badly written dark omegaverse novel? Or one of those stories I personally couldn't stomach where the main character actually enjoyed being humiliated every couple of paragraphs, such as being refused clothing, or treated like an animal, or even being forced to endure horrible intimate pain or acts that only give the other person enjoyment? But then, in Aida's case it didn't really matter. It was inexcusable period, since she had been taken without her true consent as a minor or however cringeworthy, even parental consent. And she'd been being brainwashed into being what some quasi-royal persona considered his ideal female concubine. These people man, if it had been a situation where Adlar had been approving of the whole situation? I dunno that I could have even done anything here to help the poor little bobbin. Being that these fools have been so mired in their ways for so long.

I looked around at those Patriarchal supporters of Adlar's fury. They too looked not much cooler headed than the hapless girls own family. Her brothers were only held in place by their respect for their dame. Daythe had a hand wrapped around each of their wrists, as she whispered urgently to them to exercise restraint until a true solution could be enacted. They impressed me as they collected their composure with haste and went to stand in front of their sire and myself, blocking his struggle to put on a stoic expression in the face of his enemy. I winked at them in commiseration before turning to Daythe to give her a pitiful puppy look. She gave a subtle shuffle our way, and a slide before her mate to calm him.

Thusly freed, I pulled my hand away from his arm and went to the boys to see about getting our little circus on the road. Between us we decided to use a combination of playing dumb and veiled barbs to get Aida from that nasty buzzards clutches. It was sadly easy to do, in that all we had to do was make reference to how he had no authority to have brought her to his estate to begin with. Well, I stayed mostly silent before him. But I made sure to murmur bits and phrases under my breath to be repeated by the boys that got his goat and made him turn an unhealthy shade of red as they made him look incompetent.

"Aida, our precious sibling... how do you come to be here? We had no word from the Temple of Purity requesting your presence here, nor did our Sire give leave for such?" Cadlar asked in an innocuous manner... yet the snarky look he cast toward our host left no doubt he knew full well the lard-butt had bypassed protocols.  Said lard-butt had still been nattering on about how awesome he was to have invited us all there, and so sputtered a bit when it was noted that the interruption wasn't even directed at his oh so important self. He turned a poorly concealed look of caution on to the timid looking girl by his side, who in turn flinched to be brought under his observation.

Her stammered reply had hackles rising even in the ones who clearly supporting His Corpulence, "I-I was told my attendance was requested by my intended, th-the male of-of the luminous bloodline of Lag, descended of our sav-savior himself, Lagos..." Aida's words had a mechanized quality to them... emotionless and prompted. I almost glanced around for a cue card. Poor kids eyes had taken on a glazed look, like she had retreated to her happy place. That was kinda scary, nothing that had been said or done was upsetting enough to warrant that kind of reaction in my mind. Had she been conditioned to spout that drivel on pain of a caning or something? I shook my head in disgust at such a notion, and decided I was done loitering in front of this grease balls personage. It was time to capitalize on being a noob to the culture and just do whatever the hell I felt like doing to get this fat luve to squawk like a dying chicken out of sheer frustration, I know... real mature. I breezed past the Batoor boys with such enthusiasm for the mischief I was about to rain down, I was practically skipping.

"Aida darling!" I simpered as I raced up the steps too fast for the Lag male to react. "How I have longed to meet a acolyte of the Temple of Purity! For you and your sisters are the future of the Isle surely?" I had reached her and latched on to the arm nearest to her 'intended' before he could get between us. Her startled reaction didn't last any longer than it took for her to glance at her brothers. They nodded, and she beamed at me. I grinned back at her, beyond elated to see that she was still fighting the conditioning they had been heaping on her all this time. I then unceremoniously dragged her down the steps to her family. I could hear pompous warbled objections trying sputter past her captors lips, but when I whipped my face towards him with an "Are you freaking kidding me right now?!" Look, he seemed to damn near bit his tongue. Good to see even this fool understands the value of family.

His expression however gets almost ugly when he sees the admiring glances her adorable face and figure is garnering from the eligible males his dumb butt actually invited to this dinner. I smirk at the idea that he didn't expect competition in his own territory. How foolish, he is old, and frankly ugly and beyond fluffy. The heirs and spares are unreasonably attractive... old blood or not, he could very well find his little dove snatched from his coop never mind just flown.

Poor Aida is flummoxed by all the attention from these unknown people, however distant. Her parents and brothers create a square around her to escort her back in to the estate, while I act like a human moon and orbit the group, bouncing any who get to close, shamelessly bobbing and weaving so that none can actually block the family as they ascended the stars to join the host patriarch... who looks like he wants to toss us all to some punishment pit for daring to correct his etiquette. I smirk inwardly, thinking this fool ain't seen nothing yet...

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