Curzon-Dax... I'm stuffing you in my pocket... just saying

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CurzonDax your debut my dear...

As we explored the estate, it became rather clear... we were lost. Which surprised none of us. I brought our group to a stop and decided to take a moment try to think logically about where we might find an area that resembled a stable for Leonade. At that moment the scent of 'barnyard' wafted through a nearby open veranda doorway.

Seriously? It was that simple? Score one for me I guess. I thought as I decided not to poke at the gift horse, while I drifted to the opening and peered out to see what I would find. It was what seemed to be an open courtyard of sorts. But it didn't have the same tropical resort feel as the other areas we had seen so far. It was much simpler and had a stark merely functional impression to it, despite the pretty flowers I saw. It was backed up to a rocky wall on one side, like a natural defense or corral more likely. The fact that it was so easily accessible from the main house was curious though. I peered around the expanse before me, trying to estimate its size. It wasn't obscenely huge, so I didn't think it was a training yard of some sort, nor a exhibition ground. Perhaps it was just where the pudgy master of this place came to huff and puff his way onto his Leonades in private? That is, if one exists that could heft his rear more than a foot above the ground. The mental image of my poor Goldest's suffering expression as he tried to futility wing that guy off the ground had me snickering to myself before I could help it.

The odd looks I got from the others had me coughing and hmphing as I stood straighter and marched into the courtyard to be nosy as hell in my quest for beleaguered Leonade. I hadn't gotten too far before I was stopped short by a pair of fierce golden eyes glaring at me from behind something like a oversized horse stall door. They bobbed a bit as the owner moved to come around said door and march over to me in what had to be the cutest menacing prowl I'd ever seen. I mean... don't get me wrong, I knew they were trying to be threatening. But yeah, they were much too cute and delicate looking to be much of a threat. The only thing that had me riveted was this person's features were very exotic. For Lagos Isle that is.

Skin the color of deep Sepia, like they'd had a bit of time in the sun, such a lovely shade. Hair an unexpected white as snow, shaven on the sides and back but in rowed braids on top, with unbraided long bangs to either side of their face and in two tucked top knots at the back of their head, the ends that stuck out had beads threaded in them. They tickled a memory, but I couldn't grasp it just then. Their eyes though they were eerily familiar to me. Such a golden color, I know I have seen it recently. This person, they have Chasm heritage, of that I have no doubt. But if they do have any relationship to Drozahn personally? That I don't know. I mean why would he allow anyone he's related to, to be anywhere near a place like this, let alone with Lag-Butt?! And from the way this kid is dressed, functional black leather pants under a sleeveless leather vest, with various pockets and pouches strapped to their belt? They look to be in a servile position with the infuriatingly bound wings they bore behind them further fostering this image. My inspection of their small self came to halt when they did, right before me, hands on hips. The challenging gleam in their eyes had me raising my brow as I waited for them to make the first move, verbal or otherwise. I didn't know what had them so triggered after all, and didn't want to set them into yapping chihuahua mode if I could avoid it.

My continued silent eye contact seemed to both confuse and miff the kid, but it did get them to talking, and gave their gender away, at least in my opinion. "This area is off limits to unknown guests, the Leonade become distressed at unfamiliar scents and sounds. They may be nothing but captive beasts to the likes of you, but they are beings of proper intelligence and deserve to be left alone when not being forced to amuse and amaze." The anger and protectiveness in her voice had me liking her very much. I guess it was so much that I had a sappy look on my face and didn't seem to be taking her declaration seriously. She really did not like this notion. Her expression became dark, which clued me in, and had me raising my hands to explain myself quick, fast, and in a hurry!

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