Waking the Growly-Guss

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I quickly rolled off the huge male, switching off the Napper as I did so, and scrambled over to Tav. He quickly helped me stand, while collecting me into his arms and arched his wings about me to shield me from the sight of the other Luve. Even though it was hardly necessary since said Luve was still knocked the K.O. out. I cringed as I stared down at the guy, thinking of how very unamused he was gonna be when he woke, if the snarling he did in the seconds prior to unconsciousness were anything to go by. This could be very bad, I turned to Tav who was currently staring down the other gobsmacked males around us staring between us and their fallen member. 

"I'm sooo sorry Tav, I didn't deactivate the Napper when I got to the roof, it all just happened so fast!" I breathed out in embarrassment as I looked up at him beseechingly, begging him to understand I hadn't done it on purpose. He glanced down at me then flicked a look to the male on the floor,
"Diah is going to be cross when he wakes, he was arguing with me as we swung around the roof to meet you. I meant to be the one to catch you Tehlanna, but he insisted that HE be the one. He has this notion that you have some how entranced me" his amused tone assured me he did not share the males suspicion.

I snickered "Me?! Oh yeah, since I'm just so enchanting." I started giggling with pent up adrenaline making me slightly stupid. Tav raised a brow at me and just shook his head indulgently. "I'd best get my elder sibling off the floor before he wakes, maybe this will make his anger less potent at the indignity of being laid out on accident by a being half his size and of a gentle gender none the less." Tav said as he released me and moved to his now identified, prone brothers form. The guys surrounding their fallen leader seemed caught between grimacing at his perceived disgrace and snickering along with Tav. Two males came forward and assisted him in lifting his brother off the floor and into a propped up sitting position on a bench that was along the crafts wall. After which Tav returned to me, and stayed standing slightly in front of me while the other guys milled about,  murmuring lowly to each other, waiting for their leader to awaken. A chirp sounded over head, and a guy near the front went to a panel and touched it, a voice rang out in a language I couldn't make out, but could tell was asking for instructions. The guy at the panel turned to Tav with a questioning tilt to his head. Tav replied in the same language, I cocked my head curiously as I realized my translator wasn't decoding this dialect. An affirmation came from the panel, followed by another chirp, and then I could feel the craft accelerate beneath my feet.

Tav turned his head to me and said "We are leaving the atmosphere of this planet. We will need to secure ourselves soon, I had hoped Diah would waken before then, I had wanted to reassure him that you are no threat to our people or world." He glanced worriedly at his still insensate sibling.

I nodded my understanding, as I glanced at the guy too. But really, if this guy was Diah? That made him much more than just Tav's big bro, he was also the High Commader of the Amber Aerie... a kind of city on Luve where Tav lives, and he's the equivalent a five star general, who protects the Elders of that Aerie that act as their peoples leaders. This was B.A.D. If he took offense to what just happened, and couldn't get over it? I could be in for a world of hurt, trouble, or just straight up death. Sigh... just my luck, after all the crap I been through, and I had to go and flying body-slam while accidentally Napping the single most dangerous person to my future within seconds of meeting, the very people meant to be my new future... only me I swear...

A deep grunt sounded over the low murmur of the guys who'd been trying to talk to a tight lipped Tav. Who'd been himself trying to maintain that he wanted to talk to his brother first, and that he would share his whole story with the Elder council before anyone else. All eyes turned to the slowly rising figure of the High Commander. Once he reached his freakishly tall full length of at least seven damn feet tall, he cracked his neck and began scanning the faces around him. I ducked back behind Tav who'd flared his wings a bit to hide me. The movement of his wings however, drew Diah's attention.

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