That Was Your *gag* Ex?! And Meeting a Silver Fox... Er High Elder

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A/N: just imagine this fine specimen wrapped like a present in a uniform similar to what Diah was wearing only having way more stripes and chains. And three times the dominant aura of our Grouche-Burduh, sigh... where's a hand fan when you need one eh?


"So this is the Tehalanna everyone has been going on about." Her words are measured and condescending to the extreme. But she made a classic smack down mistake, which allows me to beat her at her own game. I give her a tiny smirk as I remain silent. This rude AF El Capitan obviously went and messed with the wrong bitch...

We all stand there looking at each other for a moment. She was staring at me, her expression one of malicious anticipation of what she thought was going to be a devastated reaction on my part, begins to fade into one of petulant confusion. "Did you not hear me? Did you not understand the words I spoke?" She demands in annoyance. I raise my brow at her in amused condescension. She noted this and blinks at me. My reply is delivered in a bored monotone, "I heard and understood you quite well actually. But as you had made a statement, and not posed an actual question, I felt no compulsion to respond. At most you would have been asking a rhetorical question. Which would still require no actual participation on my part, as it is rather blatantly obvious that I am in fact one with out wings and therefore the Tehlanna which everyone seems to be referring to."

Her mouth opens and closes, much like a landed fish gasping for water. The male next to her seems dumbfounded for a moment, then finally realizes that I verbally pimp-slapped the hell out of his companion, and turns to me to sputter out, "You dare insult the Lady Deeva?!" His face turning an unflattering splotchie red. I turn to Tav and mouth 'Diva... seriously?' he just shrugs and shakes his head. I look back at the twosome, then look to Diah. He is looking very uncomfortable. I tilt me head as I notice him staring uncomfortably at Ms. Diva. She in the meantime has recovered and is glaring daggers at our entwined arms.

"Why have I not heard from you since your return from rescuing your brother Diah darling?" Her words imply a previous relationship between the two... I glanced at him to see his reaction. He grimaces at the endearment. Ms. Divas companion looks even less thrilled at her preference for the High Commander over him, than Diah is to have it. I see the male make this unattractive sour duck face expression as he looks at her. I look to Diah to see how to respond to this whole freak show. He is clenching his jaw, not looking eager to answer her query. He flicks a glance at me, then away discomfort evident. Ah, I'm the reason he hasn't had a moment to contact her. And then there's the fact that he's been ordered to take me in, and was nearly forced to mate me. I wonder if she's been made aware of this little recent development? But then it's only been a day or so, the only way for it to be truly common knowledge would be for it have been broadcast either worldwide or at the very least regionally where we had just come from. "I have been occupied with Guardsmen duties Deeva, and with celebrating the safe return of my brother. He was my primary concern, surely you understand this?" Diah explains stiffly. He retains his hold on me as he speaks, which surprises me. If she was his girlfriend, wouldn't he have let me go and attempted to reach out to her? Seems Little Miss Diva agrees with me. Her expression darkens and she sneers as she says, "Your family and your duties were the only things keeping you from me Diah... Truly? Then what of her? Why do you stand so close? Much closer than need be for one who is simply escorting a strange alien female to be brought before the High Elders the day before the tourney?" The jealousy wafting off this chick is so strong I'm surprised my eyes aren't watering.

Since the question wasn't posed to me, I remain quiet. There is no need to incite this crack-potted broad any more than she already is. She looks one wrong breath away from a cat fight. I'll pass thanks. I glance at Tav for advice. He is looking as alarmed as I feel. A glance at Dev offers no better solution, he looks ready to bolt from the crazy lady too. He is looking all over the hall, almost wildly, were it not for his decent amount of self control. He seemed to find what he was looking for somewhere behind and to the side of me, if his look of relief was anything to go by. But since I didn't want to draw attention to myself by looking to see who it was, I remained in place. Diah had been attempting to explain our situation to Deeva while I had been looking at his brother and cousin. I had tuned them out, after all... been there, done that. Deeva gasped in outrage when Diah got to the part about him almost becoming my mate at the ordinance of the Elders. Her shrill words of denial causing me to wince and tune back in to what was being said.

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