Telling the Elders Whats What

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Pic of the Aerie at night

As we left the hospital room I got a glimpse of the world outside by looking over the side of the ledge. The whole Aerie was built into a cliff. And was powered by a waterfall. The Luve sure knew how work with their environment. Hundreds of people lived, worked, and shopped within this one complex. There were other Aeries of course, further along the cliff sides of the Isle of Varit that were their own self contained communities. And each had their own set of Elders that ran them. I was to meet with a collective from several of the Aeries to either side of this, the Amber Aerie. For some reason they felt being the recipient of the only human some how effected their Aeries as well, not just this one.

Whatever, so the Amber Aerie agreed to host the Elders of the two Aeries to each side, so I am stuck 'explaining myself' to the Elders of five Aeries rather than just the one that is actually relevant. Le sigh, I don't even really see the need to blather on to one Elder, since Tav has already told his side, what more do they need to know? Oh well, they hold sway over my future, may as well humor the old buzzards eh? We had to make our way to the top of the Aerie, and across a long bridge to a huge round building set into the top of the cliff to get to the meeting. It was set all the way around with windows and had the most amazing view. Inside was a huge round table where a group of elderly Luve were already sitting.

I also noted a flock of buff looking dudes lining the windowed walls wearing different colors. It brought to my attention that H.C. Diah had been wearing an Amber trimmed uniform this whole time. I do love a man in uniform... again, it's too bad he has such a bad attitude! These other guys must be wearing the colors of their respective Aeries. Hot and Buff must be a prerequisite for Aerie Guard. Not that I'm complaining, they do make for wonderful eye candy.

I stepped further into the room so that Tav and Setvella could join me, while Diah makes for his own bit of wall to hold up behind the Amber Elder. I see there are two bench like chairs before us at the table and guess they must be for me and Tav. After a glance at me, Tav takes my arm and guides us both to the benches to sit. After we settle ourselves, I note how Setvella holds up the wall next to Diah as the Amber Elder is right next to me, which I really appreciate how he and Tav have me protected from all the other elders by setting me between them. The Elder leans into me and after staring into my eyes for a moment, and speaks lowly...

"I am Elder Brix child, know that you need not fear me... I have heard Tav's words, and now have seen you for myself. You are not a threat to us." He glanced behind him to where Diah stood with a stiff posture and watchful look, eyeing the guards and Elders of the other Aeries. "I also know how badly my High Commander handled your rescue, and will compensate you for your mistreatment. His bias could have gotten you injured or killed and that is unacceptable." He turns back to me after saying this and seems to await my reaction.

"Elder Brix, I know he was in a state of stress due to being in the middle of saving his brother. I don't hold too much anger for what he did, but I will not lie... he is not my favorite person right now." I admit as diplomatically as I can.

The Elders brow quirks and his eyes twinkle a bit as he considered my reply.
"A very conservative response child, but still carrying spirit. Which is good, I needed to know this about you, as it confirms my impression." He seems pretty pleased with himself as he says this, like he never doubted his intuition about me.

About this time I notice how quiet the room has gotten, I turn my head and see that every, and I do mean every eye is now on me. I turn on my bench and sit up straight, clearing my throat and glancing at Tav as if to say 'a little warning?!' He shrugs back and murmurs something about it just having happened.

"Elder Brix, I do hope you are not already interviewing the female without our input." A snarky comment is flung from across the table, coming from a Elder wearing red robes.

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