Unexpected Dream Visitor

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I found myself in a hut of some sort. I looked around curiously and saw I was in what looked like a fur and grass nest. It has suspiciously familiar golden feathers scattered in and around it. I got up on my knees and called out experimentally, 'Goldest?' A sudden loud thudding noise could be heard from beyond the huts doorway covering. It was getting louder as the thudding drew closer. My very shocked looking putty-tat burst through into the hut and made straight for me, bowling me over in his excitement. You are here! But how? His incredulous query flits through my mind like a comforting caress.

'Gid'off ya fuzzy butt galoot!' I barely manage to wheeze out, 'A huge pink lion, you ain't my friend' I gasp in relief as he pulls back to rest on his haunches and peers at me quizzically, Pink lion? Oh this is another Earth reference yes? His amusement at my grumpy confirmation is expressed when he leans into me and nuzzles along both sides of my face. I give in and grab the fluff at either side of his head and just hold on for a moment. The feeling is so comforting I want to cry. I am reminded yet again of just how fast things have happened since I woke in the Amber Aerie's medical ward. Is it really too much to ask for a span of time to just be? To just enjoy a few days or weeks even, of something as simple exploring what it even meant to be Bonded to this magnificent being? I hated feeling weak, or whiny, but seriously... it just wasn't fair.

I could feel Goldest purring in agreement. I didn't even know how I knew it was an agreeable purr. I just did, and it just felt right. I rubbed my face deeper into him and inhaled, then started back in surprise. I could not only smell things in my unbelievable dreamshare with Goldest, but it was well enough to identify what I was smelling? What was worse, the scent made me so conflicted. As I could smell my Grouchy Bird himself in the fur around Goldest's neck. 'Goldest?' I asked carefully as I pulled away to look into his amazing eyes.

Yes my Bonded? His innocent curiosity was both baffling as it was reassuring. I looked him over closely, uncertain if any real world wounds would even manifest on their own without Goldest's knowledge. 'Why do you smell of the High Commander?' I stared him down to catch any sign that might clue me in if he tried to bluff me or flat out lie. He looked away, the little stinker! And up, and all around the hut... everywhere but at me. I snapped my fingers near his fluffy ear and his eyes snapped back towards me, startled. I raised my brow and crossed my arms. Not an easy feat, considering I was still kneeling. I made a questioning hum at him and just waited, refusing to lower my eyes. He chuffed at me, and then caved, He discovered me, my Bonded... his revelation cut off by my terrified gasp.

'Oh no! What happened?! Are you okay?! Did he hurt you?! I'll beat his ass! Where are you? Where is he? Where the bleeding bloody hell is Tav...'

My tirade is cut off by a fluffy feathery wing slapping me in the face and bowling me over into the furs of the nest. I lay there for a moment, properly chastised for losing it. 'Sorry... I just don't see the grumpy bird reacting well to finding you.' An amused chuff is all I get in reply just before I get basically sat on by hundreds of pounds of a furry, feathery purr machine. 'Dude, I am not an egg!' I grouse as he uses his paws to roll me around till I am nearly in a ball between his front paws and his head is draped over me. I give up and just enjoy imitating an egg, since it's warm and he's not acting like he's trying hide a sore or wounded body, not with how casually he's been moving around, and the easygoing temperament he's displaying. Granted, we are in a dreamscape and he could have really good control of his sense of self, to the point that he could hide from even his Bonded. But I get the notion that's not the case, so I wait for him to do some explaining, but make sure he needs to hop to it by making impatient noises and squirming a bit for good measure.

I can feel him gathering his thoughts just before he begins, I felt your distress, but it was strangely muted... as though it was being felt through some sort of haze rather than directly. This alarmed me greatly, as I had been warned by my sire that he himself had been told by the Great All Sire that should I ever experience such a thing, it meant that my Bonded was in danger. He stops, peering down at me curiously. I am all but vibrating with curiosity to know how his dad could have known such a thing, I guess Goldest picked up on that strongly enough to break his concentration. Not one to waste an opportunity I piped up, 'Who's your daddy? And what does he do?' I can't help but snicker to myself at blurting out the popular meme snippet. Goldest gives me a kitty eye roll of indulgent amusement before giving up the goods, He is called He Who Stands Against the Wind... You will no doubt wish to call him Wind. He is a Priest of The Great All Sire, our revered deity... May I continue? I nod, and he chuffs before goin on, I was forced to wait until Lady Roza returned to the estate, that I might see for myself if my worries bore any merit. For had they not? You would have returned at her side, but you did not. Unfortunately in my haste to know the truth, I was not cautious in my manner of approach. I flew to her and admittedly landed rather abruptly before her. She was not alone... the High Commander and the rest of Lady Roza's family were all in attendance before me. His mortification was apparent.

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