Isle of Misfit Luve

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"Well, that is not so surprising son, he is the son of my departed brother after all." His father bomb drops ever so casually...

I can feel Cradion tense as he hears his fathers words. His arms like steel bands around me, as he nearly growls to Dradion, "How am I just now hearing of this? I have been within speaking distance of that male on multiple occasions. And due to lack of knowledge, have missed the chance to know him... why would you leave me ignorant? Our bloodline is sparse enough as it is father." The loathing isn't blatant, but can still hear it in his voice. Cradion really means it, he is angry with Daddy-Tooru for keeping the chance at a personal relationship with Dev from ever even being possible by simply keeping his mouth shut until now. What a twatwaffle Draytoo is.

"They suspect" I manage to slur to Cradion. He looks down at me in surprise. I can barely see more than a blurry hazy in front of me, but I can see enough of him to know he is damn near nose to nose with me.

"They suspect what Lana?" He queries, but his hopeful tone tells me we both know he's talking about him and Dev being related. I give him a look to let him know he ain't fooling no body as I reply, "Duh, that you and Dev share blood..." His current tone and attitude is so unlike what I have encountered from him thus far, that I don't quite know what to make of it. Is his family line dying out? And is that bothering him on a personal level? Seems to be... but it doesn't seem to be effecting Daddy-Tooru in the same manner. He's just being an insensitive prick.

Cradion had been thinking over my words, and giving the stink-eye to his dad, at least I think so, hard to tell given my still blurry vision, he could have been having gas for all I know... but either way, his dad sure took it as disrespectful since he started popping off at the mouth, "Do not presume to question my choices in this matter. I am not beholden to you. I am the Patriarch of our bloodline, and as such I decide what is best..." He gave an annoyed sigh, then went on,

"My brother was a spare heir, and as such was not monitored and tutored as closely as I. He did not agree with the Teachings of Lagos, and often tried to speak out against them in public. He and a few other like minded youths were temporarily banished from the Isle. It was meant to be a punishment you understand? To show them that the outside world, the place they wished the Isle to emulate? Was filled with corruption and greed. That the Teachings of Lagos when followed diligently, kept our people safe, and prosperous. He still refused, arguing against the beliefs and fundamental ways of life Lagos would have us follow as being barbaric or even perverse in some cases. He was fortunate it was only I he spoke those words to that day, and that no one else in our family had been present at the time. Had they been? He could have been whipped for such blasphemy against Lagos." His words trailed off in memory, distain clear but a touch of concern was there too, like he was remembering that long ago close call in detail.

He shakes his head a bit and then says, "In either event, it was during the time of his banishment, that he met Biav. I knew of her because I kept contact with Devion, despite the mandate that there was to be none. In her he had found something that made him finally understand certain Teachings he had said. He still felt some needed to be changed, or outright abolished... but none of it mattered after Biav's first mate and he died. I tried to convince her to come to us, but she was too afraid." His words held a tinge of regret.

"You didn't expect otherwise did you?" I asked as I stared at him in disbelief. The drug had begun to wear off during story time, and I could see Dradion-Tooru quite clearly now, sour puss and all. He really didn't like my question. "I mean, she was devastated, newly pregnant, and was being asked to go to the one place that her people viewed as the worst place on the planet... especially for women. Your people had attacked her people only a few generations ago, killing members of her own family I might add, in order to steal women... and try to force your ideology on everyone else. So yeah, I'd say it makes sense she'd be afraid... and she was too early in the pregnancy to know if she carried a girl also? I wouldn't risk it either... no way would I chance having my baby subjected to subjugation... hard pass, thanks." 

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