Like a Bug on a Pin... Desert Tribe's Hotness, er High Elder... Granny Spitefire

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The unreasonably large doors part, and we are blasted with a ridiculous amount of noise from within. The doors were super thick too apparently, to have been able to conceal the din. As our small group clears the entryway the voices begin to trail off one by one. Heads turn and eyes focus on us sharply. We have the attention of the entire room within the two minutes it takes us to reach High Elder Diav's side. As much I would love to burrow into the middle of everyone and hide, I know that's not going to happen. This whole song and dance is because of me, they aren't just going to let me play the wallflower. I take a bracing breath as I stiffen my spine and make sure the hostess smile is in place as I just own it and strut the remaining few steps to stand before Diav. Amused approval glints in his eyes as he stares down at me. In a half circle alongside him are a few other high ranking Luve who I can tell are likely High Elders as well. Based on her proximity and the gentle confidence with which she stands near Diav, I'd say this must be the lucky as all get out Lady Tah. She's no slouch herself and though I don't swing that way, being strictly-dickly myself, I can certainly appreciate how gorgeous this woman is. Enough to have me humming 'I kissed a girl' by Katy Perry under my breath before I knew what I was doing. A snicker from Dev snaps me out of my enraptured stare at the couple. I can feel my face heating up as I see her brow arch at my reaction. I cut a sideways glance at Diah sheepishly. He is staring down at me in disbelief.

I look away in mock innocence, only to have my eyes collide with yet another Silver Fox Luve. This one is just as dangerous, with his dark umber skin paired with eyes of bright amber that seem lit from with in as they take in the scene before him. I blink and realize that until that moment, I'd not seen a single Luve who's skin was darker than an enviable tan. But then again, it was an alien planet and couldn't be held to the same racial expectations as Earth. But still, this male certainly had the most beautifully deep smooth and even skin that had me craving Godiva's dark chocolate truffles. But since they don't have that here maybe he'd just let me have a little lick of him? The whole package was crowned with an amazing array of silver tied back dread locks that matched the trimmed silver beard he wore so well. Gah what is with these High Elder's?! Do they ALL have seductive mojo just seeping from there pores 24/7? His eyes widen at my fascinated stare. A slight movement at his side draws my eyes, to see his female counterpart. While the male had me wanting to call him Heimdall no matter what he tells me his name is, this female had me wanting to make a fool of myself by asking her if she ever made it back from the North Pole after defeating the Queen Xenomorph. She really did resemble Sanaa Lathan, if Sanaa were a well preserved fifteen years older. Her hair was also silver and in an elaborate updo made of dread locks. Her eyes were not Sanaa's though that's for sure, they were a mesmerizing shade of jade. I looked between the two and wondered if it was a coincidence that they both had such light eyes, or if it was a common feature in their region. It was very flattering either way. I decided I had to know more. And even though I was all set to give the High Elders a sassy piece of my mind going into this, no had prepared me for actually meeting them. I was so gonna get Tav for this later, but first I was going make like a butterfly and be social for once.

Released Diah arm completely and turned my whole body towards them to indicate my sole attention was on them. They subtly lean my way to show they reciprocated my focus. "Good evening High Elders, my name is Alanna, Daughter of James and Adora, Widow of Collin, and I was the Mother of Cayla... I hope I introduced myself properly?" I finish hopefully with a slight tilt to my head and a quirked brow as I look to the female for guidance. This was a calculated move of course. By seeking her approval first, I am stating I value her worth and opinion as a person and that even though I seemed taken with the male next to her, I have no designs on him. I had already noted they stood as close as Diah and Tav parent's so just took it to mean they were together, together. She kept eye contact with me as she smirked seeming to convey that she knew perfectly well what I was up to, and found it amusing. Which was better than her getting pissy at a misconception that I was trying to steal her man if I had addressed him first. 'Possessive female' was a universal concept and I wasn't about to get on any High Elders bad side if I could help it. "You did quite well for someone unused to our customs... my heart saddens for your loss of mate and young, Elder Brix came to us earlier to tell us much about you." This last statement on her part is delivered with a smile that suggested she found his report the highlight of her day. I cringed a bit, as that could be a good thing or a bad thing. Not everyone likes a Sassy Sue, and although the four in front of me seemed like cool peoples, that did not mean that all the High Elders were as open minded.

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