First Look at the Arena... Woo Hoo...

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Ariel view of the arena as seen from the flying transport Lana is just so impressed 🙄...(don't tell anyone, but secretly she really is 🤫)

The next day, I found myself grumpy as hell. After Setvella, Tav and Dev had flown off to get ready to join us(Dev said there was no way he'd let his new sister... me, do this with out him), I had gone back to bed, only to spent the rest of the night tossing and turning in bed. At one point I even paced in front of the window wall peering out into the night in the hopes that a pair of glowing blue eyes would greet me. I really could have used a cuddle with that fluffy butt putty tat. But alas, no fuzzy cuddles for me occurred. Just a sleepless night, and no Fing coffee to be found on this stupid flip-flap-n-flyer world. I hadn't really noticed yesterday, so intent on making a peace offering to Diah as I had been at the time. But man alive, I was really noticing now. I stumbled and grumbled down the stairs. I glared at the sight of my packed bags by the sliding doors to the front of the house, having packed them in the hours Diah, Tav and Dev were having their quailty time on the balcony. Apparently, we were taking some fancy-pants flying transport to the Mother Continent. It would be picking up Brix and his guards first, then Setvella and the cousins. Diah and I would be last members of the oh so fabulous flying circus to the ridiculous tourney.

As I fumbled and bumbled about in the cabinets in my search for some kind of caffeine or stimulant, I groused under my breath, bitching every foul word I could think of. A low impressed whistle sounded behind me, startling me and making me chuck the small package in my hand at the source of the sound. Thankfully, Diah has quick reflexes. He leaned out of the path of the projectile instinctively. I stared at him with wide, mortified eyes, one hand clamped over my mouth. "...I'm so sorry!" I muffled out. He just crosses his arms over his chest and smirks at me. I hang my head and drop my arms. "Why were you swearing worse than a space pirate and pillaging my cabinets to start with?" he asks in an unexpectedly teasing manner. I peek up at him through my hair sheepishly. "Looking for coffee?" I confess. His blank look tells me my answer did not translate. I sigh with disappointment. So no cafe con leche for Lana then... oh joy. Dammit man.

After telling him it doesn't matter, and that his people clearly don't have what I need, we just have some kind of breakfast bar(bleck, it was really bland, but really good for you apparently), then grabbed our stuff and headed outside to await pick up. I was unhappy at the idea that I had no way to let Goldest know what was going on. Anxious is actually more like it. Standing in front of the house I decided to wander around checking out the decor while we waited. Diah observed my wanderings till he realized I was just being nosy, then just rolled his eyes and started pecking away on some tablet he had with him. I shrugged and kept poking about. As I passed a extra tall poofie bush with huge flowers, I noticed that the center of two of the flowers were not like the others... in fact they looked suspiciously like the eyes of the very puss I'd been obsessing over all daggum night!.

Goldest?! You clever kitty! I am so happy to see you! Do you have any idea what's going on? Or that I'm about to be leaving? I ask while staring at his beautiful eyes. He takes a moment to recount my memories. A small displeased growl comes from him when he learns that the psycho-bird Luve are being given a go at winning me. My eyes widen in alarm and I cut a glance to Diah, who thankfully seems to be engrossed in whatever he doing on his tablet still. I see, they mean to take you to the Luvian Mother Continent. This is slightly alarming. If those savages were to win you, I would have no choice but to follow you. I could never abandon you. The fierce determination in his luminous gaze had me tearing up in gratitude. But I could in turn, never allow him to risk himself like that if that worst case scenario were to happen. Especially given the history Goldest's people had suffered. Not. Happening. Not on my watch. Hell naw, I'd sooner rip that theoretical 'savage's nards off with my bare hands before I let him anywhere near my Goldest. A chuff of sound tunes me back in to reality, as I realize Goldest has been aware of my every thought and malicious plan. I glance up and smile innocently at him. He just looks back me with a gleam in his eyes that lets me know he is not fooled in the least. He then lets me know through our Bond that he will follow the transport at a distance. That he will stay as close as he dares during the tourney. I let him know that I am nervous that he is risking himself that way. He lets me know in turn that he can feel my relief to know he will be close. I roll my eyes and huff at being caught out.

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