Aw It's A Putty Tat

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After filling the tub and dumping my dirty laundry in the bathroom's hamper, I gratefully sink into the divinely hot and sudsy water. I release a sound somewhere between a sigh and a groan. Oh yeah, I so needed this I purr to myself as I slink down till my head is the only thing visible above the bubbles foaming the top of the water. I lay there like the blissed out chick I am for a good long while. The tub has some kind of tech that keeps the water at the same temperature I started out with. I can feel all my muscles relax bit by bit. Once I feel like I am as unwound as I am gonna get, I dunk my head under the water. As I lay there holding my breath and just listening to my heart beating through the quiet water, I hear a different thumping that while rhythmic, is decidedly NOT a heart beat. I emerge from the water urgently swiping water from my eyes as I go, then casting my gaze around the bathroom frantically, to locate the source of the thrumming. This leads my eyes to the huge glass wall to the side of me. I gasp and hunker down in the water instinctively, as my gaze collided with a set of eyes reflecting the lights in the bathroom.

  These eyes that bob ever so gently up and down, telling me whatever or whomever it is, is freaking hovering outside hundreds of feet in the air. The eyes blink every so often but never leave me. In fact, they get closer, so close that when they enter the glow of light that casts itself through the window. I am horrified to see that I am being eyed by what can only be a Leonade. It's a huge beast and actually looks more like a flying Liger than a regular Tiger. Pale tan and white fur with golden stripes that grace it's body in a reverse tiger chevron pattern, so that the point of the chevrons on its back face it's head, rather than its tail. This causes the point at the top of its head to end between its blue eyes, and rather than suffering the tendancy towards a tubby belly, this one was sleek and muscular. It's Liger 'mane' a fluffy muff around it's head that somehow managed to seem regal. It's forward momentum glides to a stop when it's nose touches the glass. I sit there quivering, uncertain how to react, then raise a brow when it proceeds to snuffle the seam of the glass as the window wall is set up in huge panels of glass. Aw man, it can freaking SMELL me?! Not good! Do I smell tasty?! Once it seems to have gotten a good whiff, it then shocks the hell out me by LICKING the glass! I also become aware of a buzzing sound. The creature is freaking purring so hard, it's vibrating the glass!

I am flummoxed.  It seems at ease, and I don't see any aggressive body language. I can't deny that it looks pretty damn cute, big as hell though it is. I reach over to the towel holder and whip the towel around my body as I rise and step out of the water. Securing the towel as I go, I pad over to the window wall. The Leonade just watches me approach, but I can hear the purring reaching an almost fever pitch in volume. I stop about a foot away, then reach my hand out like the mesmerized idiot I am and place my palm to the seam in the glass. A new flurry of snuffles picks up, followed by almost frantic licking. It is giving me pitiful kitten eyes.

I seriously don't know what to make of this. I then jerk my head when images flood my mind, as they are not my own at all. I know this as I am pretty damn certain that I was NOT born into a litter of flying liger cubs, all squirming and snuggling each other. I see what must be the Leonade's Dam, licking 'my' litter mates. And before I can brace myself, a huge rough tongue is applying itself to his, definitely his, fur and a muzzle fills our vision. I am given the impression that the mom is basically telepathically downloading info into her cub as she grooms him. It's faint, like sound set on low, but I catch it all nonetheless. I see the visual history of this clan of Leonade's. When she is done, the males own memory images go on fast forward, pausing on important moments in the males personal life. I can feel an info overload headache building in the center of my brain, like files being loaded for opening later... Though I have clue how I'll access them. I sway slightly, the images begin to slow, as we are reaching the present day in his memories. They finally stop when I can see my own eyes staring back me. The Leonade begins to sag in the air, tired from the energy used hovering and projecting his thought images. He conveys that he will return tomorrow, at the same time, that we are now Bonded. I pull my hand back, and bob my head to indicate my understanding. He then somehow 'tells' me his name is He-Who-Has-Goldest-Wings. I glance at said namesakes. What little I can see in the glow of the bathroom lights, shows he does indeed have rather shimmery golden wings that unlike the Luve, are more bird-like. I am fascinated by how fur and feathers can actually glimmer on their own. I look back into his eyes and think towards him as best I can: mind if I call you Goldest? Or even Goldy? He cocks his head and then carefully answers: Goldest is acceptable, my Nestmates call me this, and Goldy sounds like a girl-cubs name. I snicker as he wrinkles his muzzle when he says the last bit. Ok Goldest, I am Lana. You should go ahead and head home, you seem very tired, I wouldn't want you to risk falling out of the sky from a lack of energy. I reply, making a shooing motion with my hands as I think. Goldest bobs in place a moment longer before bowing his head, then hovers backwards before turning and flying off into the darkness. I slump in place a bit, all that mental chatter tuckered me out!

I turn to head to the bedroom in search of night clothes. But am brought up short by a loud blaring noise, like a Carbon Monoxide detector going off. I cover my ears and rush to the bed for a pillow to cram around my head. Before I reach it, the bedroom door slams open so hard it bounces back and almost smacks an alarmed looking Diah in the face. He strides up to me, yelling something about a proximity alarm going off on this side of the house. He then grabs my arms and shakes me back and forth a bit while demanding to know if I had seen anything. Just as I am about to try to answer, several things occur at once. My towel finally gives up the fight to cling to my chest, fluttering to the floor. Then the alarm abruptly stops its bleating. So it is extremely quiet, as I yell. "What kind of proximity alarm?!" And we both look down at my traitorous towel at the same time.

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