*Oh Great... Testosterone for dessert...

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"The 'others' have been here for longer than you know my mother..."

The voice of High Elder Diav interrupts Lady Roza. We all turn shocked eyes on him. "Son..." Lady Roza whispers in shock, there is a slight bit if fear in her tone, she is uncertain of what her son will say or do next. I am not quite as scared, more angry with myself for not being more careful. For not paying more attention to the damn door. Goldest had sprung up to meet this unknown element. He riffled through my memories when he saw I wasn't as afraid as Diav's own mother, and saw that the male actually knew of him. Goldest's perplexed rumble rolled across the balcony to Diav. Hearing the confusion within the Leonade's growl, Diav smiled a bit and strode forward letting his Silver Fox High Elder mojo work it's magic on Goldest. The wary confused kitty became an enraptured, confused kitty as he sank down so far he was in a Sphinx pose. "Go to my mothers home brave Leonade... you will be safe there. And I know of you because my surveillance drones saw you when you made contact with Lana. And when you met again the next day... And when you met my youngest son. You had the perfect chance to harm either one of them, indeed several, yet proved what my mother has been saying for decades, that the Leonade are honorable as any Luve... and as such you have my support. Now go, I must escort these two back inside... the Dinner is about to begin." Goldest rises and comes to me for quick a nuzzle before also giving Lady Roza one moments before lifting into the air and over the side of the balcony.

I turn to Diav and say, "Thank you, he really is amazing huh?" Diav smiles and nods before offering both his mother and I an arm each. I take one and allow myself to be led to the door. "Now remember, this dinner is important and you must maintain your calm..." Diav says. "Do you anticipate there to be a reason I might lose my calm High Elder?" I query with a distinct lack of amusement. "Oh I have a feeling there will be many, if the things I have heard and observed of you in this short time alone are anything to go by" he quips cheerfully. I groan and tug at the branches on my dress, "Can I at least get all this frippery off my dress first? 'Cause if someone pisses me off badly enough I might just rip one of these branches off and beat the crap out them with it, warblers and all!" I threaten. The Gaia embellishments had taken a backseat in my perception up until that moment. But cheesezums were they making themselves known. I really did not need my zen being chipped at by leaves randomly tickling my neck and causing a cold chill. Or a bobbing glowing mushroom-thing in my peripheral vision making think some fool was getting too close for comfort. Bad enough the warblers could keep me from hearing someone sauntering up behind me. I explained all this to Diav and Lady Roza with pleading eyes, and yes even clasped hands held up to my chin.

Diav rubbed him bearded chin as he seemed to notice all the chintzy... stuff arching up and around my head for the first time. Nice to know I was more attention grabbing than the freak show of a dress. His lip curled on one side in slight distaste. "It's both enchanting and disturbing at the same time. However did they manage to wrangle you into the this...contraption Lana?" He asks with amusement. I huff in disgust as I cross my arms and pout before grousing, "Setvella switched the dresses on me and wouldn't let me see it until I was already dressed." The two chuckle heads in front of me begin laughing like a bunch of loons at my expense. "Laugh it up clowns, just get this crap off me!" And yes... I stomped a foot, straight toddler style. They sputter at my action, but move to assist me while trying to get me to tell them more about how Setvella suckered me. I give them a dirty look and say to them I'd tell later. They agreed we didn't have time for storytelling, and free me from the Gaia branches.  We look around for a place to stash them, and find some tall floor vases already sporting some leafy fronds. We shove the branches into them just before we leave the balcony.  Newly unencumbered, I sigh in relief as I look around for our group.

The first thing I see is a pouting Setvella, as she spies my dress. I give her a huge smug smile as I sashay over to her, an extra swing to my hips to convey my self satisfaction. She narrows her eyes at my display, her look promising some kind of girly fashion oriented retribution in my future. Tav is looking heavenward as if seeking rescue from crazy female behavior. Dev is watching us like he wishes he had popcorn, and that we were being more catty. Sorry Devy, no bikini mud wrestling for you to spectate today.  Diah is in conversation with his mother and the Chasm Elders. As we all converge with them, he turns to look at me eyeing me up and down, noting the simpler look as well. His mother murmurs something to him that has his jaw clenching slightly as he nods at her before he comes to offer his arm to me. I slide my right hand into the crook of his left elbow and we begin our walk to the Dinner. As we have all paired up, Dev has the honor of escorting Lady Roza. I can hear his scandalized laughter from his place at the back of the group. It has my lips twitching in amusement, which draws Diah's attention. "He shouldn't encourage her antics, she needs to be calmed down, not hyped up" He grumbles. I smirk at this, making him look at me questioningly. I look at him and say, "That has to be one of the most cunning females I've ever met. Even when she seems to be acting outlandish? There's a plan in place, you saw that for yourself... but she's still a person who enjoys a good laugh." He grunts to show he heard me, it takes looking at his face to know he is thinking about what I said.

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