Rock'in the Wing Bling... The What Lana?

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After stomping past Tav and I, Diah disappeared back into his office, presumably to go back to whatever he was working on before he realized Tav was here super early, and his suspicious mind got the better of him. More like to pout because he was wrong yet again, and got his ass verbally handed to him by someone almost half his size. I snickered to myself at the thought. Then tried to look innocent when Tav gave me the look, you know, the one that says someone knows you are up to no good, or at least thinking about it? Yeah, that one. I affected a nonchalant air and picked imaginary lint off my shoulder as I flicked an unapologetic look his way before saying,

"What? This is like the third time he's treated me like some home wrecking harlot Tav! I deserve to at least think uncharitable thoughts about the jerk don't'cha think?" I ask, popping out a hip and crossing my arms, as I raise my brow with a 'tell me I'm wrong' expression on my face. Tav just shakes his head and ambles over to the communicator. "I need to remote access my device and hang it up. Then contact Setvella to invite her here as soon as she's able." Tav informs me. I nod and wave my hand dismissively while turning to the kitchen area. It's lunch time by now, surprisingly enough, so I'm going to put enough together for the four of us.

I call out to Tav as I see Setvella on the screen, "Ask her if she has any sort of flat backed gems and skin safe adhesive she can bring with her Tav.  Oh yeah, and any kind of temporary skin paints or dyes!" Tav furrows his brows at my request, but knowing me and my frequent odd requests from back at the Master's house, just does it. I can hear the curious chime to Setvella's voice as she agrees to bring what she can find. I rub my hands together a bit thinking of the possibilities. I am so gonna bling out that girls wings! She's not gonna know what hit her! I really need a bit of frivolity right now, with all this crapola I got going on lately. And making those naturally fugly Luvian wings look like a pretty-pretty... shiny-shiny, butterfly's wings is just the thing.

"What are you up to Lana? You have that look that says you are planning something devious." Tav's amused voice comes from the other side of the counter. I glance over my shoulder at him and smirk. "That's because I do have something devious planned you silly boy, it's just not a bad something... This time," I amended. "That may change if that brother of yours doesn't stop with the emotional yo-yo routine he's been putting me through... I mean seriously Tav, it hasn't even been a full day, and that guy has had my heart rate up and down more than a damn ping pong match goes side to side!" I grip my hair in my hands and then scrub my scalp like I've gone batty.

Tav just snickers. I glare at him without any actual malice, before I lunge across the counter and tousle up his hair instead. He protests loudly and bats at my hands. I just laughed and sighed happily. That boy really was like this comforting mix of baby brother and son to me. He gave me the sense of family and friendship I had never expected to have again. And with the addition of his lady love? I feel doubly blessed. I couldn't wait for her to get here.
Setvella's arrival was met with much excitement from Tav, his wings couldn't stay still he was so excited. I wish Diah could have seen it, maybe then his contrary butt wouldn't be so quick to think Tav would stray. I smiled fondly at the two as they made googly eyes at each other and whispered sweet nothings, while all wrapped in each other's wings. I turned away before it got too cutsie. I decided instead to start carrying the lunch I'd just finished prepared to the table.

By the time they were done, I was too. And the noise of them reuniting had drawn the High Commander out of his office. He watched their lovey-dovey antics from the doorway of his office for a moment. I in turn watched him to gauge his reaction to their obvious adoration for each other. He had an almost soft look on his face. I was impressed, I thought he only knew sour, intense, annoyed, or angry.  Meh, learn something new every day I guess, and having had a mate of his own at one point, he may very well have done those things too. I thought as I pulled my chair back loudly to get everyone's attention. All three whipped their heads my way at once. I just gave them an innocent smile back and waved a hand at the other chairs in invitation. Diah gave a reluctant look at the idea of joining us, but with a huff, closed his office door and came to the table  to sit anyways. Tav and Setvella came with much more enthusiasm.

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