Learning the BS that is The Teachings of Lagos...

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I wasn't a huge fan of the misogynistic malarky I was spoon fed by Adlar, and he wasn't too keen to teach it. So we agreed that I would just use the males only Teachings on the sly and his darling mate would have me recite what I learned so she could feminize it for when I got quizzed later. I was totally on board with this idea, but told her I would rather just read them both. I was given blank stares, and asked wouldn't that be too much? I assured them that since I was fully able to read the language, grammar and cultural references both seemed to translate just fine with the nifty do-dad they gave me when I got here. When asked about the dual gender Teachings being so numerous, I shrugged and said I was an insanely fast reader.

Of course they were skeptical of my skills at first. I just smiled and asked for the first book of each teaching and disappeared into what was now me and my new roomies accommodations. Their newly liberated daughter was being grilled by her family about what she went through, all while a recording device captured it. The two books were pretty tiny as far as brainwashing propaganda disguised as educational literature went. They did make a decent go of it, by trying to embellish Lago's sob story on how he was just so wronged by his one true love the Priestess Dristi-Shula. Blerg gag me a spoon, this guy needs to get over himself. I thought as I read the account I was told of when I got here. Blah Blah, he was hot for her... she just thought he was great at his job... he professed unhealthy obsessive lurve... and got butt-hurt when she was like 'ew no thanks, I don't even friend-zone co-workers'... then he's like 'Females are shameless tricksters every one of them, we men have to subjugate them for their own good hmph'... what a big baby.

That was my summary of the first books... of course there was more to it, the female book was told from the perspective that Dristi was just such a naughty little vixen that desperately wanted to be punished and just acted out so that she could lead the Priest Lagos to his destiny. The male book was told from the stand point that she was an evil temptation that had to be subjugated to protect future generations of females from being so naughty, and he was just the manly man to take her in hand. Pfft, history favors the one who wins they say. But since Lagos just buggered off with his followers in a toddler tantrum snit, and made a new colony... who is to say which of them won? The rest to the world still follows the All Mother. This one colony, it doesn't do anything but play an unhealthy version of 'Master is my Husband and I'm the Wife and Pet'... which I mean, to each their own. Back on Terra firma, this sorta thing was supposedly a thing IRL. With legally binding contracts to protect both sides from harming each other. Although I couldn't see such boudoir games being something one could actually keep up with in the long term in a 'normal' relationship that involved kids and such, but then what did I know? It wasn't my scene.

Shaking such old world notions from my mind, seeing as they didn't exactly help me here beyond making me disgusted at how the females were treated, I pondered how people as technologically advanced as these were could be so barbaric to each other. To think it was okay to subjugate another sentient being as though they were a house pet or a living doll, was just base and short sighted. I considered how Adlar treated his lady love, as well as how Diah and Tav's parents acted towards each other. Adlar's lady was very meek, but not cowed. She seemed to just be a gentle and timid person naturally, not like it had been enforced upon her. Like she knew how to act even more so when around the other males, but I could tell the difference. The two couples were very much the same in how they cared for each other, it's just the guy's parents were free to be open about how fond they were for each other. I kept this in mind as I moved on to the next two books, but found they weren't about couples, but rather raising children. Oh joy, this ought to be fun.

I spent way too much time face palming as I read those two books let me say. What a load of hogwash! From an early age boys are taught they are better than girls. They were given better and larger amounts of food. They were given instructions on how to use and maintain their wings. Girls, they were wing-bound from a young age to stunt the growth of their wings, with the excuse that the appearance of frail wimpy looking wings was a sign of beauty. I call straight up bullshit on that one... they hobbled them. Plain and simple. Made it so they would never be able to even attempt to fly the coop. The only concession to their future suffering at the hands of their mates, was that their fathers were not expected to 'teach' their fledgling females about their roles... it was a small mercy, nor were their male siblings allowed either. Of course in the beginning the mothers had the role, but this was taken away when it was discovered that they were teaching the girls how to prevent conception of females. By then the damage had been done, and an entire generation was nearly all male. And due to the enforced frailty of the females, too many began to be lost in child birth, as their then unsuspecting mates kept them breeding, hoping for a female.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2020 ⏰

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