You're not a Bat! You're a Cat!

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🧚🏼‍♂️🧚🏼‍♂️🧚🏼‍♂️ 🧚🏼‍♂️ Dedicated To 🧚🏼‍♂️🧚🏼‍♂️🧚🏼‍♂️🧚🏼‍♂️
CurzonDax ... This was your idea...
hope it lives up, at least in part to the shenanigans you had hoped for. 👩🏽‍💻

There were a good forty other High Elders to meet, paired into twenty couples. I was interested to see Luve and Humans also had same gender couples in common, though in some cases it wasn't easy to tell with total certainty the genders of some of the Luve before me. Made me wonder what other commonalities we shared and if they too had citizens who were dual gendered or inter-gendered. I would have to ask Granny Spitfire and Tav. Once the awkward meetings with them were over, informally thanks to Lady Roza, we were told that since the more formal version was no longer necessary, we had time till the dinner being held in honor of me and those participating in the tournament occured. The High Elders as a collective watched me for my reaction to the mention of both the males and the tourney itself.

I sneered one side of my upper lip to do Elvis proud in instinctive disgust before I could help it. I got an unfriendly jab in the side from Diah for my trouble. I hissed under by breath and smacked him on the arm with my free hand reflexively. "What was that for?! I couldn't help it! I've made it clear to anyone with working ears that I don't want this! That I have no interest in being objectified and turned into some kind of prize to be won by a complete stranger! I won't be held accountable if whoever wins doesn't like the word 'no' because they will be hearing a lot of it! And if they even think about touching me?! I will cut a foo-mmph" my passionate rant is cut off when Diah covers my mouth mid threat.

There had been scandalized gasps during my tirade from the Forty, whereas Diav, Tah, and the Chasm High Elders seemed sympathetic. Lady Roza just looked like a proud momma hen. Tav's eyes couldn't get any bigger he looked so shocked at my outburst. Dev and Setvella just looked frozen, like they didn't know how to react. Diah pulled me into his chest and arched his body and wings around me as he hissed into my ear "Have you taken leave of your senses you outlandish female?! You cannot threaten the future tournament champion in such a manner!" He is breathing harshly into my ear with the effort to speak softly and to not squeeze the stuffing out of me, he's so mad at me right now. I am so cracked... 'cause I just think he is so hot right now... hmmm, wonder what he'd do if I licked that bead of sweat running down his neck right there? I swear being poached and sold really has made me a bit crazy to be thinking stuff like that in those few seconds.

"Diah... you will release her, and I will escort her to the balcony alone... to give the poor female a moment to compose herself. She has had a lot to acclimate to in a short time. You all will give her a moment to breathe for the love of the All Mother!" Lady Roza ends her command with a flourish, and a clack of her cane on the ground, by snagging my wrist in a surprisingly strong grip and pulling me out of Diah's entrapment. Then drags me behind her as she hobbles along with her cane to said balcony. I can hear a few token protests behind us, but imagine those we leave behind are actually relieved to see the back of us both, if just for a little while. I do feel a smidgen bad for causing a scene, as I do know better. I'm a grown-ass woman, I should have more self control than that. I just feel like I have not stopped moving since I opened the door to those police officers. I have grieved, and can think of my loves without tears just streaming down my face randomly, but the rest of me just feels unstable. I sigh to myself as I allow Granny Spitfire to tow me beyond the balcony's double doors. She releases me as she turns to close them. They are glass, but curtained so we have privacy and quiet.

The view is different on this side of the building. It doesn't look so much like a fishy cracker out here. I smirk to myself at the mental image of what it had looked like approaching the place. I place my hands on the railing and lean over to look down at the gardens. "Are you alright Lana? I know that outburst was unplanned." Lady Roza's voice is filled with understanding as she comes to my side and slides her hand up my back to rub it comfortingly. I hang my head and give her an embarrassed sideways look. "That was terrible huh? I just keep having moments of being fed up with being so powerless. I am just one damn alien! I can't do anything even remotely scary... and sarcasm is not a super power, no matter how good I am at it." I smile at Lady Roza, and she snickers along with me. "I'm certain they thank every deity in the universe for that truth as far as we are both concerned! Or they'd be in serious trouble!" We both start laughing.

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