Nab n Grab Tav and What is THAT?!

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The night before Tav's big reveal at the Death-Match, security around the Arena doubled and the Masters house went on lock down. I had spent all day jumping at every chance to stay close to the G & I Wing. I also made sure Tav's last meal was the best possible, as I had a feeling the Master might deny him food the next day. Why Master hadn't simply murdered Tav when he heard the Luve were sniffing around? I suspected this centered around how popular Tav had become in the Arena. The boy had a large following, and had also made the Master quite rich in the short time he had been held captive. Master was caught in a web of self preservation and greed warring with each other. So, he planned a huge messy death match that would make lots of money and make Tav's survival almost impossible. If the Luve caught up to him after Tav's probable death? The gains from the match would be more than enough to pay whatever fines the Galactic Consortium could press on the Master. At least that was what I heard, gossip was floating around a lot that day, since it was the first I'd even heard of the G.C. The Master as a result, was very agitated and snapping at everyone. I slipped a relaxant into his food, not a sedative, that would have been too obvious, he calmed a bit, his wives came to me and asked what I gave him. I told them the truth, along with some drama to encourage my plan to keep him subdued...that if he didn't calm his ass down, he could have a hearts(yes plural) attack. So, they took the relaxant(well, a time release one that got stronger as it went, I left that part out), and fussed him off to bed.
I took myself off to my room and readied for bed, which for me was more like showering and then getting dressed again, I never wore pj's, this place ain't home, and I couldn't ever truly relax. I slept in black pants, socks, and my ever ready dark gray foam cup cami, I had my dark gray pull over hoodie draped over the foot of the bed(threadbare by this point poor thing) and black boots at the side, always ready to go if I ever had to haul ass.

A few hours into the night, when the moons were trading off and sky was darkest, the perimeter alarms blared. I jumped up, heart racing. An explosion rocked the side of the mansion farthest from the G & I Wing, letting me know it was time. Master kept his entire security system housed there, which meant that all electronic locks and doors would be useless for the next 5 minutes, terrible design flaw really. I had no less than that amount of time to get to the roof, and hope Tav could do the same. I stomped into my boots while slipping on my hoodie. I nabbed my only means of self defense off the dresser... The Napper, a bracelet type device that made it so touching me would render a person unconscious. It was a gift given to me on the sly by one of the Masters regular guests. A sweet older male from some planet called Naairah, he told me a female should always be able to decide, and the Napper is like an intangible guardsman. I loved his visits and never understood why he sullied himself in this place.

I smiled thinking of him, as I secured his gift onto my wrist and latched it, thus engaging the device. It was a strong little thing, and it meant having to be a bit careful when slipping up to the roof, so as to not knock out the spastic slaves who would be running around in a panic. But I would have to risk it, and remember to deactivate it before making my possible running leap, as that would be more than a bit embarrassing to knock out my rescuer. As I opened my door, I could see said panicking slaves were indeed running to and fro, creating mayhem for the guards who were trying to herd the slaves back to their rooms so they could figure out what the hell was causing the explosion. I snickered to myself at knowing that the slaves hated the guards and were being louder and more 'panicked' than they really were just to trip them up hopefully be able to escape in the confusion. I hoped they were successful as I slid and shimmied around them(while 'napping' a guard here and there to add to the confusion)to the small servant stairs that led to the roof garden I used to grow food for the Masters table, I knew it well enough to not need light to race up the steps with out mishap.

I burst out the door onto the roof top. I took a few seconds to orient myself, and dart a glance around. "TEHLANNA!!!" My head snapped up and to the left(that was the Luve word for a female with out wings), and saw Tav on a craft on the far side of the roof he pointed to the roof directly ahead of me. Oh hell, he wants me to do the fing leap of faith shiz! So I took off at a flat out sprint across the roof looking straight ahead, trusting Tav to be there to catch me. As I reached the edge I sprang off and right into the arms of... someone way F'ing bigger than Tav, who I knocked on his ass with a grunt, who then looked up at me with a snarl and said with a glare at a smirking Tav "What the hell is THIS?!" Right before passing out. Aw hell, I forgot to turn off the Napper... oops! This dude is gonna be super pissed when he wakes up! Shame too, he's kinda cute, in a Grouchy Bird kinda way...

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