Univited Dinner Guest with even more Uninvited News...

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After the cleaning up, we went down stairs to the library area of Diah's great room. Tav and Setvella taking then a few hours just trying to teach me more about the planet and it's history, and watching some Luvian TV shows to get an idea of what they consider entertainment. After which  Setvella and I decided to go about making dinner together. So we raided Diah's garden and deep freezer for ingredients to make a stew once I described what it was to Setvella. They had that here too, which was good. But not crackers apparently, so I went about making some. We chatted about her wing bling, and how we could bring it to more lady Luve. The boys were off in Diah's office doing guy stuff no doubt. Who knows, maybe Tav was knocking some sense into that melon of Diah's, but I wasn't holding my breath on that one.

When dinner was done, we all sat down out at the table on the balcony this time, to enjoy the evening air. I couldn't help but think of Goldest, and what he might be doing. I wished I could spend more time with him, and soon. He was amazing. I never in all my life could have imagined being able to talk to a huge fluffy kitty in my mind. I just wanted to cuddle him and drape myself over him for a nap. It was while I was daydreaming of just that idea, that I noticed three Luve flapping towards Diah's abode. "Uh guys? Do you see them?" indicating with a finger the approaching group, "Are they coming here do you think?" I asked, causing the others to look to where I pointed.

Diah's expression turns stormy for a moment, before becoming totally blank. Oh boy, he has his HC face on, so not good. I think to myself. Watching as he then rises, and walks to the edge of the balcony to meet what turns out to be Elder Brix and two Amber Guardsmen. Great, now I've lost my appetite. I push my bowl away, feeling slightly sick and anxious for what he might be here to say. Because I'm not dumb enough to believe he's here to say the Elders have magically changed their mind. And that not only do I not have to mate anyone to appease the populace, but that they will let me live on my own and run my own restaurant, while doing the training thing in my free time. Yeah right, don't I wish... no seriously, I really really do. But I ain't that lucky. No, Brix is no doubt here to hand deliver yet more unwanted fuckery for me to deal with, oh joy.

"A pleasant evening to you and yours High Commander Diah, son of Diav and Tah." Elder Brix greets Diah first, all solemn and formal. I raise a brow at his mention of Diah and Tav's parents. I wonder if this how Luve say someones full name? I never asked if they have last names here. It never seemed relevant really. It's not like I plan on 'mating' any of them, so what does it matter to me? Ugh, this whole foisting a 'mate' on me thing, was turning me in to a down right inconsiderate bitch. Even if it's only in my own head. I was never so D.G.A.F. about other people and their ways before this. I am not liking this facet of myself.  Then again, senor grouchy bird isn't exactly the poster child for his species either. Not that I can give myself a pass based on that.  I really gotta pay more attention. Case in point, what the hell is being said right this moment actually...

"... High Elder's Council on the Mother Continent insist that ALL Aerie's be allowed to participate in the Tournament, you understand what this means do you not? THEY  will be allowed to compete as well. I fear what will happen to the Tehlanna if one of them should win her hand." Brix concludes what he had been saying with a weary sigh. He looks to me sadly, and shakes his head.  Walking over to me he takes my hands in his, then looking me in the eyes says, "Lana, if I could spare you this, I would. But I can not go against the High Elders. They are my own superiors. After all you have been through, and all you have done for young Tav... this is not right." Poor guy, looks like he's about to cry. I can't even be mad at him. He is really upset about this. Any venom I had even contemplated spewing, was rendered useless in the face of his obvious distress. I knew exactly what he was worried about too. Those purported barbaric buttheads who subjugated their women and enslaved their Isle's Leonades.I decided to put the poor old buzzard out his misery,

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