One Sangria, Two Sanrgia... Holy Exploding Ovaries Batman...

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I sit there daintily sipping at my ridiculousness sized glass of Luvian Sangria, and noted Diah's rather charming laugh. Como say what the hell?! That stick in the mud knows how to be 'carefree'? What is he drinking, and where can I get a tanker full of the stuff? That grouchy bird is no kidding grabbing Dev and giving my  Squishy-Bear a noogie, while teasing him about finally accepting his place in their family. Dev isn't any more sober apparently, as he's in the "I love you man" stage of drunken declarations. Tav and Setvella are being sickeningly sweet in their "No, I love you more!" Exclamations to one another. Complete with nose boops with their pointer fingers and increasingly sloppier smooches as the after dancing snacks and drinks flow.

Only Lady Roza and I seem to be even remotely sensible. We ping pong among each others gazes and our table mates. Each pass has our crossing glances looking more disgusted. She doesn't vocalize her displeasure, she just keeps sipping at her own little beverage. I shake my head at her indulgently and she just smirks back. At my raised brow she tilts her chin towards the HC's chair. I blink and look his way, only to see his empty chair. I drawn my head back a fraction in puzzlement, where'd that birdbrain go? A warm sensation and gust of breath steals across my neck and the curve of my ear at that moment, causing me to shudder uncontrollably.

"Dristi Shula... dance with me..." Diah's words are a seductive spell I simply cannot turn down, not when he uses that low rumbly tone... nope, I'm simply not strong, nor coherent enough. I never even saw him move, never realized he was behind me. But that didn't stop me from taking the hand he offered, didn't stop me from letting him lead me through the doors the suddenly spry Tav and Dev held open to yet another balcony that this time overlooked a lovely lake. The dancing music it seemed had picked up again for other like minded dancing partners as well. Once we reached the center of the balcony, Diah twirled me and drew me into his embrace. We lazily waltzed about the perimeter of the balcony as Diah's hands wandered up and down my back, I gasped as his last pass found his right hand tangled in my hair, pulling my head back and making my eyes meet his. "I despise how I will feel come morning." His words sound so sad I furrow my brow in confusion and go to speak, but his finger touches my lips first. "No... My Dristi Shu'la... give me this moment..." My eyes grow huge as his face nears mine after his passionate words. Who is this guy?! Can I keep him? No!! Bad Lana!! We don't need a man... We'll, maybe just a little kiss won't be the end of the world... right?

All these thoughts go through my mind as he draws me into his body and seals his lips over mine. The first touch is incendiary, I cannot begin to describe how his lips on mine send my entire body alight. I didn't even know that was a thing. I thought it was a literary myth, a flowery bit of prose. All of my non-visual senses felt aflame. I just wanted that moment to go on forever, which was just stupid, as it was unrealistic. I never have had feelings like that when Collin laid one on me. Collin... my Collin, how could I? Am I dishonoring him? I just couldn't think... yet, I didn't want to think. Diah had me so spun up and spun around... if he had suggested we coupled right then and there? I probably would have sold tickets to the show... what the hell was in that Sangria?!

That thought had me jerking away from his succulent lips and shaking my head almost violently to clear it. Diah bobbled his head in a comical attempt to chase my lips as I tried to regain clarity. I snickered at his befuddled expression. "Dristi Shu'la?" He queried in a foggy manner. I patted his cheek gently, and pecked his lips as I pulled away before saying, "I can't deny my Grouchy Bird, I adore you more than I should. And your words imply you won't recall a bit of this, so I can say this... I sooo wanna bang you senseless... and if I was like ten years younger? I would be all over trying to mate you properly and trying to find a way to have babies with your grumpy ass." I heaved a regretful sigh, "But, we know things are as they are... you can't stand me when you aren't three sheets to the wind. Which I can tell you I will be getting you as tipsy as I can get away with if we get out of this unscathed, 'cause I am loving how chill you were back at the table with your family." I slide my hand away from his cheek with a regretful sigh and go to pull away from him, ready to head inside as my amorous flare up had most definitely fizzled out.

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