Like a Grouchy Hung Over Bird With a Bone...

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This is so bad! I thought you said your system wasn't set against them?! Oh my goodness, call Scotland Yard! They can't come in here! Goldest get your fluffy booty up, we gotta hide you! Don't you chuff at me mister! No, you can not bite his butt, no not even a nibble! What do you mean you'll let me have a taste too?! Goldest!!!" Needless to say we had a bit of a problem...

Goldest just looks at me with what I am sure is meant to be kittenish innocence, but he may as well have his ears curled inward like little devil horns, the imp. Lady Roza is just snickering to herself as she grabs her cane and does a quick little shuffle-click over to a part of the solarium glass wall that was a bit different than the others. Once Goldest and I got closer upon following after her like a pair of goslings, I could see it was a sort of stout wide hatchway. She turns back to us with a smug look that clearly lets us know she's saving our bacon yet again. I don't even bother fussing I just break out the 'we're not worthy' bow-wave from the waist in praise of her awesomeness. Goldest, having gleaned the gist of my behavior from my mental mantra, and kinda put one paw forward and did a little head and shoulder bow-dip in sync with me.

Lady Roza just looked at us like we lost the script for a second then rolled her eyes before popping open the hatch, then shuffle-clicking over to Goldest's hind-end to give it a good whack with her hand, causing him to all but leap through the door with a chastised little yowl. I snickered at him for all of the two seconds it took her to reach me and pop me on the tush in turn. I squealed like a little girl, ain't gonna lie. She was the one snickering then, the old minx. She turned back to Goldest who was peering at us from the other side of the door, making sure to keep a healthy distance from her wicked hand o'discipline. She smirked at him as she said, "Now, hurry along naughty cub, to the hideaway behind the waterfall. I shall join you there when I can. Lana must stay here, and then must leave with Diav and Diah for the first day of the tournament."

I groaned in disgusted dismay at the reminder of the eminent days torture, while Goldest grumbled at being left behind while I went through it. Lady Roza hushed us both then made shooing motions at Goldest. I darted forward and grabbed his muzzle for a quick snuzzle before letting him slink off through the foliage to the hideaway. My shoulders slumped, I didn't want him to go, but couldn't risk Diah finding him. His ridged mindset just wasn't ready yet. I stepped back as Lady Roza closed and secured the hatch. We hurried back to the table and cleared Goldest's spot off, stashing his mess under the nearby trolley's little decorative skirt. We shuffled the remaining plates and pots around the table to make it look like it had just been the two of us the whole time. We had just finished and sat back down when Diav and Diah came barreling through the solarium doors, arguing the whole time.

"I am telling you what the reports said sire. The information they relayed suggests it was a Leonade that entered the grounds. We must conduct a search! Ah there they are! We have been looking all over for you two! Did you not hear us?" Diah's grouchy accusation leaves me blinking, as it was tacked on to the end of his tirade at his dad. I glance over at a less than amused Lady Roza who is currently glaring lasers at her rude grandson. Somebody's in trouble! I sang in my head. I sat back and ping ponged my eyes between the two, just waiting for her to light into him, malicious glee no doubt evident in my expression. Diah looks to be about to demand an answer from me again, but notes the expression on my face, as well as me darting a glance at his granny. His face pales as he realizes his major breach of social protocol. My lip quirks as I smirk smugly at his predicament. I can't wait to see him try to back pedal outta this one.

He slowly turned to her with a look of one going to the gallows. He hung his head shuffled over to her and went to one knee before her, head bent in submission. She flicked a glance full of mischief at me before she took her rolled napkin off the table and whacked him upside the head with it one good time. He jumped in surprise before looking up at her with his lips working like a fish. Guess he was expecting her to fuss him out verbally, not an assault via a rolled up cloth that flopped around as she continued to whack him with it as she added said verbal fussing out. Going on about how rude he was to demand anything of her in her own home, yet he couldn't be bothered to greet her properly before blasting her with insulting questions about the efficiency of her own security system?

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