Lady Roza Sees Truth, erm... Through Truth?

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Upon hearing that Goldest is the grandcub of He Who Sees Souls Truth, Lady Roza nearly passes out, but manages to slide her flabbergasted self into her chair before she can clock her head on the floor or anything equally undignified. She also spends the entire time she is trying to compose herself, staring hard at Goldest, as though trying to see if she can find any resemblance to Truth in his features.  The moment her eyes flicker to his wings however, a glimmer of recognition sparks and she begins to laugh in disbelief. I glance at Goldest, who in turn looks to me and gives an equally baffled look in return as we wait for her to collect her composure.

"Of course! You are one of the cubs he was so excited to show off to me all those years ago. He took such a risk in inviting me to the Leonades haven. But there was no way I could deny my Bonded when it meant so much to him. We never spoke of your names. That is why I did not know you when first we met. It was too dangerous to have that information, then and now." Lady Roza's sadness about this notion is palpable. ***This chapter is mirrored in 'Dream a Little Dream' in the companion novel Goldest Beginnings***

I don't blame her, to know that you can't openly befriend someone is no bueno to say the least... but to have kept that relationship quiet for as long as she has? To the point that she didn't even know she'd pretty much saved the life of her own Bonded's grandcub? Tragic ain't even  strong enough word to describe the situation. It's enough to make you want to smack someone silly. Anyone, everyone that was to blame for how upset this amazing lady right now. I can only wonder if Truth is feeling the echo of her distress right now. Which begs the question...

"Can you still talk to Truth? I mean from this far away?" I ask gently as I move around the table to her side and lay a hand on her drooped shoulder. She looks up to me sadly and shakes her head before saying, "No, we are too far apart to exchange much more than feelings. Which is better than nothing, I know... but so very lonely. I miss him so very much Lana." Her eyes spill over with tears, and I wrap my arms around her shoulders and let her weep into my neck. I bet she'd been holding that in for simply ages. What with not being able to trust anyone before now, and not realizing her son was actually aware that she was right all this time. That had to have been miserable not having anyone to talk to about what she was going through. I mean, I got it... having been through all the crappola I had been through, and alone at that, but it's not like there were an abundance of Lana's running around, for which I was grateful. I just wish this poor lady hadn't had to suffer for so long as a result of the mistakes of others. Stupid Lagos Luves, stirring up shiz to start with... and stubborn, unreasonable everyone else who refuse to try to let the past go and try to make peace now, so that the Leonade can stop hiding, and maybe even go liberate their enslaved kin on the Lagos Isle. Lady Roza stirred in my arms causing me to pull away and grab a napkin from the table that I then handed to her. She accepted with a trembling smile before she cleaned her face up. I returned to my seat as she collected herself. Goldest practically climbed into my lap in an attempt to both comfort and be comforted in his sadness for what his grandsire was currently projecting to him. I kept getting an impression that Truth was now sort of listening in through Goldest and had been brought up to date on everything that had happened till now.

"That is so cool, it's like mental cell service," I turned to Roza, who was looking at me with a quizzical expression at my remark. I waved my hand to dismiss her curiosity, no point trying to even start explaining cell phones at this point. Nor to clue her in that her Bonded is listening in when she can't actually talk to him... "How did you even meet Truth? I mean I'm not the least bit surprised mind you, I just can't figure what situation would have enabled you to even encounter a Leonade. Especially as it wouldn't have been too long since the rift between your two peoples. And you being a female? I bet they would have watched you like a hawk... erm really closely." I tilt my head questioningly at Roza as I wait for her to give up the goods about her and Truth's meeting. I love me a good story.

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