Oh Joy Hospital Gowns

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Waking with green goo-breath isn't wasn't any better than cryo-breath, but at least the nurses here were nicer. The one on call when I woke was practically tripping on her own wings to see to my comfort, which was actually kinda cute. And promising, given how ominous the setting I left behind. She told me my translator had been updated and I would now be able to speak and read Luve, which was nice. And when I asked how I was to pay for that, she looked horrified. I was about ask what I'd said wrong, when Tav swept into the room, all tricked out in fancy-pants garb.

I wiggled my brows and wolf whistled at him, which made him blush and shush me, then he shooed the nurse out who began to splutter about my question regarding the cost of my upgrade. Tav chuckled and assured her he would take care of it and explain everything to me and that she was not to worry. She calmed then blushed herself when he smiled at her. Oh geeze save me from the hormones of the young and single!

"Ahem" I prompted, causing the two to startle and the nurse to flush even darker as she fled the room, her wings swishing behind her in her haste. Tav sauntered up to the bed and kissed my forehead, I batted him away and pointed to the chair, "Sit Romeo, and give me the 411 already." Tav looked at me in alarm.

"Romeo? No Tehlanna, I am Tav, they swore your mind was not damaged by the sedative! I will call for the healer immediately!" And started to rise.

"Ugh, no ya galoot, it's a character from a story... just never mind. Sorry, just sit your butt back in the chair and tell me what's been going on!" I reached out and grabbed his sleeve pulling him back down, huffing in annoyance. He reluctantly did so, while keeping a wary eye on my face, like he was just waiting for me to show any sign I'd lost my marbles.
"So, did you meet with the Elders yet?" I prompted to get him going.
"Yes actually. Once we landed I was going to remove you from your seat, but Diah refused to let me" he said, looking irritated. I cocked a brow in question at this and he just looked back at me in annoyance, "I demanded he hand you over, but he refused. Stating that I myself needed medical attention after my ordeal, and not to be toting around your dense behind." He said this last bit with an expectant smirk, which I gave him what he wanted when I gave an indignant gasp and glare.

"I told HIM that with all the training I had been through, I was more equipped to handle you than he could hope to be, and he got a strange look on his face, as said he that he didn't think Setvella would appreciate me handling you at all." I began to snicker at Tav's look of lost confusion as it made his youth so obvious.

"Dude, he was accusing you of trying to 'handle' me romantically", I clarified. To which Tav made a disgusted face, and I could only giggle helplessly. Setvella is the name of the Luve lady Tav has been sweet on since they were fledglings, he believes they are fated to be bonded, or married. And considering how they always seem to gravitate towards each other their whole lives and just kinda orbit each other according to the things Tav has told me? I'm inclined to agree. They even finish each other's sentences and all that sugary sweet crap.

"So he got you to back down I take it?" I asked once I stopped giggling at Tav's expense.
"Yes, but I made sure I was practically stepping on his wings the whole way there, which he did not care for" Tav replied with a self satisfied smirk.
"Good job bro." I said while patting his arm.

Seems after bringing me to medical and setting me on a waiting exam bed, Diah had informed the on duty healer that I had been sedated with green crap. The healer had been appalled and asked if I was a hostile, and should they call in more security. H.C. Diah had then snarled that no, I was not hostile, and that I just needed to be treated. He then stomped off growling at Tav that he was to allow himself to be checked over, then to rest while Diah roused the Elders and set up a meeting so he could be debriefed. Apparently we had arrived early in the Luvian morning and the older folks were still a snooze in their beds or nests or what ever.

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