Stupid Bachelorette Manor(totally not going to admit it looks cool)...

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Upon landing on the outskirts of the arena, I was informed that I wasn't meant to be housed with all the contestants of the tournament, but with the highest ranking among the Luve in the tourney. I asked how that was proportionate. I got numerous blank stares in return from Brix and his Guardsmen. When asked to elaborate, I just stated that it seemed dumb to let the already privileged Luve wallow in the lap of luxury. Why not allow the less fortunate Luve get a chance to improve their lot by being the ones utilizing a state of the art accommodations?

Diah gave this query a thoughtful look that kinda gave me the impression that he both agreed with me but found it baffling that I would want to help any of the males trying to 'win' me, especially after the fuss I had been kicking up. I returned it with a shrug and said "What? Just because I have no use for any of these barbaric chauvinistic oppression tactics being foisted on me, doesn't mean I have to like the lower class being oppressed right alongside me... just saying, equality shouldn't be situational or convenient."

Tav just makes this breathless snicker-snort noise into Setvella's shoulder while she sniggers as delicately as she can behind her hand. Diah looks to be turning a lovely shade of puce, I just seem to have a knack for turning him the full spectrum of the color red. Brix, bless his old ass, just looks like he's trying to figure out if I'm being treasonous or compassionate. I just wave my hand dismissively at the lot of them and sidle over to Dev, who'd just hopped off the transport last, having missed the latest episode of "Lana's Gone off the Deep End... Again".

"Hey Cuz, do you know how to get to this stupid Pretentious Manor they've got me trapped in for the duration?" I flutter my lashes at him outrageously as I ask, to see if he is Tav-like, or Diah-like. He doesn't disappoint, as he gives me an equally over the top Flynn-esk smolder of a smirk before caressing my ear, then trailing his fingers through the ends of my hair as he says "I certainly do my lady, and I would be honored to guide you there". Both our eyes widen a bit as we hear a series of cracking noises. Oh someone doesn't like the flirty flirty I'm doing with their huge teddy bear of a cousin?! Imagine that... poor grouchy bird, should I let him know we are just being silly? Nah, let him sweat... I'm so evil sometimes. I can't help the deviously feminine notion as it slithers through me. I turn an innocently curious look in Diah's direction, only to find his face a study in inner conflict. He seems to struggling with some seriously opposing emotions. But I'm no expert in guys like him.

My Collin was a super rare breed of human male, the Communicus Openus, known for actually not beating around the damn bush about topics or things he wanted. Made dining out a breeze let me tell you! Not mention our boudoir antics were way more fun when we both were able to just voice the stuff we thought might his rev engine... or set me to percolate, respectively. So dealing with a guy like the HC? Who was moodier than a teenage girl about to get a visit from Auntie Flo? I was baffled to say the least. And slightly neurotic if I'm being totally honest, since I got a kick out of poking him with a metaphorical stick every chance I got. Like right now, I knew he was feeling off kilter bout my fauxmance apparently brewing with his cousin, seeing as he and I were doing the unwilling killer-chemistry dance we have been(no point denying it eh? The lady doth protest too much and all that). Had I been truly sane, I would have stepped back to a more appropriate distance from Dev, before asking him to lead the way. But that's just boring, and so I stepped closer and slipped my arm through his, while resting the side of head on his shoulder. I then peered up at him and asked sweetly, "Dev dearest, would you take us there now? I'd rather not be out in the open any longer than necessary." And cue the highly aggravated growl from behind us... which made us both shake with repressed laughter.

But because my words were said sweetly, and with the right amount of vulnerability, I got an instant reaction out of everyone else. And with a flurry of activity, Luve and hover luggage carts abounded, and we were off at a speed walk towards some tall grassy hills. After we made our way around one, I saw what they were for. The hills were there to create a kind of visual buffer. In the center was the Manor. And just WOAH. It was amazing. There were actually two buildings, both white. And then Brix, in an attempt to sweeten the pot no doubt, was nattering on about how the bigger building was for the males, but the smaller building was all mine. I just made a beeline for it upon hearing that. Brix began stuttering and asking what I was doing, which made me stop both Dev and I, and pin him with an incredulous gawk. "What do mean? You said the smaller one was mine, so that's where I'm going... why the hell would I go anywhere else?! I'm not competing, so I don't need to use the gym or whatever they might have up there. I'm probably expected to do some kind of dog and pony prance for your High Elders, so getting myself showered and dressed into something more presentable than what I tossed on for the trip here? Is higher on my priority list than meeting a bunch of dudes I have no intention of having any association with, let alone a future with." That said, I turned about smartly and began a swift march to the place meant for me, lest any other dumb protests begin spouting.  Setvella did this truly adorable skipping glide to catch up to me and slip her arm through the one that wasn't currently practically dragging poor Dev. She giggled at his alarmed expression.  He kept looking back at Tav and Diah for guidance on how to deal with an angry female.  Guess all Luve girls tended to be like Setvella, sweet and agreeable. Ha! Where's the fun in that?

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