Getting Ready to meet the Elders

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Setvella had drug me behind a curtain on the other side of room as soon as I got off the bed, barely having given me a chance to grab the back of the gown to make sure my bootie was covered so I didn't flash the boys as she pulled me away. Once there, she dropped the bags and pulled out two paper packets, which she then handed to me then promptly turned so all I saw was her winged back.

I raised my brow and thought alrighty then, guess these contain unmentionables eh? And proceeded to open them, to find that yup, a pair of side tie flesh toned lacy panties and stringy bra type affair were in the packets. I was relieved by the ties, as that made the items adjustable. And them having wide lace bands meant they would lay flat and not show a noticeable bump under my clothes. Cool... They were lined too with a flesh toned fabric, the bra-type thing having foam like texture to it, which made me super happy, as I am not a fan of everyone knowing when I am cold or not, ya know?! That, and a little support is never something to sneeze at. After slipping into the undergarments, I make a delicate little cough to catch Setvella's attention. She peeks at me over her wings and then turns around with a bright smile.

"Now we dress you!" She proclaims with delight while bending over and rummaging through the bags at her feet. The next few minutes are a blur of trying on and taking off several pieces of clothing while not being allowed to look at anything for long. It's a bit baffling really. I've never been a fashionista, and being on an alien world is certainly not going to cure that little problem. At last, she manages to put me into a pair of brown suede leather pants, that are high waisted and fit like a dream. They hug every curve like a lover should and there's not a bunch or bulge to be found. I'm a Marilyn folks, not a Twiggy. Then I find myself in some wrap around contraption-top in shades of brown, teal, blue, and green that have attached fluttery short sleeves that still manage to leave my shoulders and part of my back bare. It's an amazing feat of gravity if you ask me. But really it works with these tiny hooks that Setvella shows me all about, sneaky little buggers! Even in pants I feel very girly, almost too girly. She then hands me some makeup, which she assures me won't react badly with my skin. I eye it for a minute, wondering if I should bother 'putting my face on'. I mean, who do I have to impress? There are no humans on this planet. And even if there were. I have no intentions of ever marrying again, so why bother worrying about looking THAT good? 

"Something wrong Tehlanna?" Setvella asks me as I continue to stand there like an idiot staring at the makeup. I shake myself up trying to get myself back on track, I look up into her eyes, smile a bit and say,

"Nah, just trying to decide if I want to bother with makeup is all, it's not like I am trying to attract a husband or anything, so why try to look so attractive right?"

She crinkles her brow a bit and then replies "Why would you not want to attract a mate? You are still young yet, you could still find one, still have a family." I give a little stuttering laugh at this, more of a splutter really. And look at her like she has lost the marbles Tav was so worried about.

"That's sweet Setvella, but I am too old to start over, even IF there were any human guys here I could find attractive." I said gently.

"You would not consider a Luve male as a mate?" She asked sadly. I wave my hands to let her know that's not the problem.

"Um, I hadn't even considered it since I had no intention of taking even a human mate ever again Setvella" this conversation was just getting painfully awkward.

"Again? Oh yes, Tav mentioned you had lost your first mate and fledgling, I am so sorry to have brought such a painful thing up!" She looked like she had accidentally kicked someone's pet.
"I know you meant no harm, and I am not mad" I reassure her with a little pat on her arm. I decide to slap on a little Luve version of mascara and eyeliner. Then smear on some lip gloss. I finally get to use the mirror. The overall effect is pretty damn good, aside from still being barefoot, I look h-o-t HOT if I do say so my self! So once Setvella fishes some gladiator type wedge sandals out of one of the bags and we find that they are a winner on the first try, woo hoo, we sashayed around the curtain to where the boys were waiting on the other side of the room. Tav stood immediately upon spotting me. His eyebrows rose and he startled me with a passable wolf whistle. My own eyebrows disappeared into my bangs and I smacked him on the arm hard enough to make him grunt. Setvella just started laughing and slipped her arm through Tav's while rubbing the arm I hit after he tucked his face into her neck whimpering to her about how mean I am. I rolled my eyes and called him a wimp while smiling at how cute they were. I turned when I heard a disgusted noise come from near the door.

It was Mr Grouchy Bird himself. He was just looking all kinds of constipated. It's just such a damn shame for someone so freaking hot to be so uptight.
"If you all are quite finished behaving like fledglings, the Elders are waiting to debrief the female, and it is both unwise and rude to keep them waiting." He groused at us.
I turn to him then admit with a reluctant wince "He's right, I'm rested and dressed, let's get this over with Tav". I look over my shoulder to Tav who meets my gaze and nods. We gather our things and make sure to leave nothing behind as I will not be returning to the room, since no matter the outcome of the debriefing, my place is not in a hospital room.

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