*Speechless Grouchy Bird and a Rude AF El Capitan Obvious

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A/N: pic above is the basic formal uniform for Diah as High Commander, Dev only has two silver stripes on his cuffs, and no chain at his shoulder. Tav has no stripes at all since he was abducted before he could actually start his career with the Guardsmen.

As Tav escorted Setvella and I carefully down the stairs, I couldn't help but stare at Diah. Tav's suit had been spiffy, but Diah's was just so regal. He looked so good the only word to use was dashing. His hair was combed back into a dapper side parted swooped back style that had some goop in it to make it shiny. He had even shaved. The uniform was in shades of black, dark grey, and a pewter colored metal for his displays of rank. It was really unfair. I'd always been a sucker for a man in uniform. And he filled his out really well. His shoulders and chest in the jacket may have caused a tiny dribble of drool to escape before I could catch it, but I'll never admit it. Of course, as hard as Diah was returning my up and down stare? I'm pretty sure he noticed the drool anyways, if the tiny smirk he gave is anything to go by. Asshat.

But it was balanced out by the fact that he had a similar dumbstruck expression on his face the entire time I traversed the length of the stairs. His eyes made several circuits from my head to my toes, seeming to find some new detail to find fascinating each time. It made my cheeks burn hotter with each step. This guy, I swear if he wasn't such a pain in my rear end, with the way he's looking at me, I'd seriously consider just jumping him like a freaking cat in heat! But, alas he is indeed a source of much aggravation. This little factoid didn't stop either of us from being unable to stop staring at each other when he met us at the bottom of the stairs.

It seemed like he had been drawn to us as if pulled by a string the way he drifted to a stop in front of me. I felt dazed as he languidly reached out a hand. My own slid from its place tucked into Tav's elbow and slipped into Diah's without any conscious prompting on my part. He brushed his thumb over the top of my hand, eliciting one of those nervegasms only he seems capable of causing in me. My eyes drifted shut momentarily as a result. When they opened, it was to his intense regard. I had expected a smug smirk, yet this expression was more like he had some kind of realization. Uncertain what to make of this aspect of his personality, I chose to simply roll with the fact that we both clearly appreciated each other's outfits. "Your uniform is very impressive. You look very dashing this evening. While we are at this... event, should I refer to you as High Commander? I don't want to show any disrespect to the male who has been taking such good care of me. Our differences aside, that fact is irrefutable."

Diah seems taken aback by my words. His brow furrows as he considers them for a moment. He glances to his brother and cousin. Dev, who is off to the side keeping an eye on the front door, no doubt in case any of the snooty Luve try to sneak in again for some unknown reason, is wearing a uniform similar to Diah. Only his is less decorated being that he is lower in rank. I flicker a glance at Tav to see if my guess is correct, and it is. Tav has no medals of any sort. Poor kid was snatched before he could even begin his Guardsmen career. And now this nonsense with me is preventing it too. A slight squeeze to my hand draws my attention back to Diah. His expression indicates he has made a decision on how I should address him, so I wait for his response.

"Grouchy Bird" He says with a straight face. I choke on my own spit.

"WHAT?!" I exclaim. "You want me to call you what?!" I can't possibly have heard him right. He rolls his eyes, and Tav is lossing his ever loving mind behind me. Laughing like a damn braying donkey. I turn to him and pin him with the my best 'gonna kick your ass' glare. He snorts and chuckles as he tries to gain his composure long enough to draw out the word so I can hear how it's pronounced, "Grr-ow-shay Burr-Duh, it means 'protective one' in the old tongue." His eyes are watering from trying not to go off again on another laughing binge. I narrow my eyes at him. "So how is it that Tehlanna is one word, that means 'wingless female', but it takes two words to say 'protective one'?" I demand, arms crossed and hip popped out. I begin tapping my foot. Tav gulps a bit, he knows the tapping is not a good sign. "I swear Lana, it really is just a coincidence! It's not a joke, I mean this is my brother we are talking about." Tav reasons. I cut my eyes to an unamused and very confused Diah. He looks to be close to breaking his brain to figure out what the hell we are going on about. snicker, yeah there's no way he made that shiz up on his on.

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