The New Guy

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So above is my idea of Tav, which makes sense, seen Terminator Genysis yet?! Apparently actor Douglas Smith is playing a young alt-timeline John Conner, did u know that?!

The day Tav came into my life, I had been bumped to under-prepper in the Arena Masters kitchen for about 6 months. It was a more privileged position I will admit, as I was able to access their idea of the Internet. On my newly acquired down time, I had been trying to figure out how long I had been away from Earth, but managed to stumble across a winged-beings idea of a combat-flight simulator game.  It was so much fun, I went into it every chance I got when not working. I was able to mentally interface with the program too, which let me come up with some crazy flying maneuvers that allowed me to kick some righteous virtual ass every time! It wasn't freedom, but for a few hours here and there, it let my mind pretend I was free.

I was in the kitchen prepping meals for the Indents in the Gladiators Wing(more like cell block), when there was a flurry of activity as the Master's servants came in with his dirty dishes. The servants were yammering about the newest acquisition to the Indent Gladiators ranks. Apparently, he was a winged young adult Luvien, from the planet Luve, who'd been snatched up by none other than the damn man-lizards that yanked me(turns out the idiots had sold me and my fellow humans still a-snooze in our tanks before we ever made it to the market we were meant for when they stopped here to refuel). The young man had gotten separated from his group while they were traversing a nearby planets highly popular flea market, The Hazit Market(as in... you want it, we haz it... chuckle chuckle), one that took up as much land as a small city. Needless to say one of the things sold at this market, is slaves. So the man-lizards have a regular auction stall there. It really is bad business to squat-on-a-pot(trying to stop swearing, can you tell?) where you eat, or poach sentient beings right off the walkways of the market you sell said sentient beings at, as is the case here.

I was smirking to myself at the thought that the Master was an idiot for buying the kid, sight unseen. He had to know that the kids people were gonna be pissed if they managed to trace their missing member to this world and this arena. Well, provided the kids people weren't a bunch of tree hugging pacifists who don't have the gumption to try to free him that is. If they had any sort of stones, winged or not, they'd be plucking their little chick up before anything bad happened... ideally. Needless to say, this news also intrigued me. I wanted to meet this kid, see how he was handling his new situation. So I looked up his species in the database and whipped up a quick meal that would help reduce the shock he would surely be feeling right now. I also prepared to witness either a quivering mess crying for his mommy, or a snarling mass trying kill anyone in his reach. What I got instead, was a creepily quiet dude observing everything around him, clearly filing things away for later use.

Tapping the tray I held against the bars of his cell, earned me his gaze snapping to mine instantly. His face looked like a damn cherub, even had the curly brown hair you just wanted to pet while you read bedtime stories to him, despite him clearly being physically too old for that nonsense. His eyes told a different story, though he was clearly still inexperienced, he was thankfully not helpless. He knew he was in danger, and that he was gonna have to fight for his life. His watchfulness showed he had commonsense, that he wouldn't just react blindly, even as I saw the fine trembling of his wings that gave away how scared he really was.

I held his gaze, kept a bland look on my face as I crouched down and slid the tray through the opening made for it. "It would be stupid to waste this, it will strengthen your body and sharpen your mind. Both of which you will need to begin training in the morning which is not long from now." I paused to see if he is absorbing what I am saying, or just letting it whistle between his ears. His attention is completely focused on me, and clearly waiting to see if I have anything else to say. "When they come for you... don't fight, there's no point. Their job is to deliver you to the training room... let them, and take what ever lessons the trainers offer, as the more you learn, the longer you stay alive. If the simulators are open, use them, they have winged fighter programs on them". I stand after my sermon, and walk away. The faint sounds of his boots scraping across the floor as he makes his way to the tray make me smile, as I think about how I have done what I can for the new guy, and that his first day will set the tone for how the rest of the Indents will treat him. I hope he listens to me, and that his people are already planning a way to get him out of here.

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