Would It Be Rude to Make Eggs?

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I woke the next morning to a quality of silence I hadn't ever experienced. I didn't know just how to cope in those moments between the dreaming world where I'd been reliving my life before losing everything, and being conscious of the waking world.  Blinking owlishly into the morning light, I felt a brow rise as my eyes cut left and right, attempting to get my brain to do an organic reboot. Flickers of knowing presented themselves as I pulled my sluggishly toasty body upright so I could sit as I finished waking.

As soon as my mind was engaged, I pondered what I should do next. The mechanics of every day life had been pretty simple in the Masters home. Much as I hated being unwilling property, at least I had a routine that was stable. And humans tended to be creatures of habit for the most part. Sure some lived for doing something new each day, but how many people had the kind of lives that allowed them to do that? Rubbing my face I slipped out of bed and shuffled off to the bathing room to wash my face and hopefully find some sort of toothbrush.

Hunt unsuccessful, I cringed as I drifted back to the bedroom and dressed before leaving the room and heading to the kitchen on the lower level. I kept one hand over my mouth, just in case I encountered anyone else, I would at least have some sort of shield to protect them from my dragon breath. Reaching the kitchen, I made a bee-line for the cooling unit and began poking around for the herb I knew was similar to mint. It also had the perk of having a thick stem that had a rough texture. Finding it I pulled it out and after cutting just a length of stem off, put the rest back in the cooler. Taking the stem with me to the bar stool near the counter, I slid on to it and began to scrub my teeth as quick as I could. I so did NOT want to be caught using a plant to clean my teeth, not if they actually had some version of a toothbrush I had yet to recognize. Diah looked down on me enough as it was. I really didn't need him thinking I was barbaric on top of every other unflattering thing he'd thrown at me thus far.

After ending my cleaning with a quick scrape across my tongue, I tossed the stem in the organic bin I saw by the sink to get rid of the evidence. I then went back to the cooling unit to root around for some breakfast vittles. I was mildly surprised to find eggs. I mean, I think they were eggs, they had shells and everything.  None of the Luvian recipes I had come across listed them as ingredients while I was looking for ways to keep Tav as healthy as possible.  So I took the carton to the counter and pondered my options. What if they weren't the kind of eggs I was used to? I mean, I knew nothing about Luvian reproduction either. And I knew that they didn't have, like chicken wings, for the love of little green apples! So the chances of these eggs in front of me being like a future Luvian were highly unlikely and I was probably being a new kind of ridiculous. But I had seen some seriously crazy shit in the time I had been in the great big universe. And every thing I had observed suggested they were mammalian, and I would be fine making an omelette or something. Blowing out a breath upwards to make my bangs flutter up, I decided to to just erm, wing it and make an omelette anyways. Nodding to myself, I just hoped it wouldn't rude to make eggs for winged people as I rummaged around for a pan.

"What is that smell?" I hear a groggy and unsurprisingly grouchy voice demand a span of time later as I chow down on my thankfully tasty mystery-egg dish at the bar. I swallow what's in my mouth before answering, since ya know, it's rude to talk with your gob full of food and all. "Breakfast?" I reply uncertainly. "I made some for you too if you care to try it, it's in the warmer" I offer pointing to said appliance with my fork. He turns his head blearily towards the warmer then back me, looking a bit baffled. I tilt my head in question, not sure what part of my words were hard to understand. "You are not my mate" he says slowly as though he is trying to puzzle something out. "Uh huh" I agree, not sure what that has do with common decency. "You are not required to feed me."  he says as though I just made some sort of multi course meal, and am fawning at his feet trying to get him to eat it or something. "Jah, I know. I was making something for myself. I figured you might be hungry, and it's not like it was a big deal to make a really big omelette and then just cut it in half." I replied while shrugging. I then tried to close the matter by shoveling more food in my mouth before he could say anything. I turned my head back to my plate and ignored him.

He stood there for a moment. Then I heard him huff before going to the warmer and getting his plate. I smirked to myself, but covered it by taking a drink from my cup of some kind bubbly fruity stuff Tav said came from a tree when I was trying to get him to tell me what he liked. It was pretty good, like peaches and strawberries in champagne. Just without the boozy bit. Diah slumps on to the stool next to me and digs in to the meal. His first bite has him freezing. I stop and stare in mild alarm. Did I just poison him on accident?! I start to rise and lean toward him, no clue what the hell I was going to do to help, but still planning to try. Diah snaps his head my way when he catches my movement out of the corner of his eye. He then looks at ME like I'm the crazy one. "WHAT?! You froze like something was wrong! I thought you were having a bad reaction to the omelette!" I fussed at him, my voice getting louder as I went. His expression turned amused as he realized my intent. I gave him a pouty grumpy look before plopping my butt back on the stool and crossing my arms like a pissed off toddler. "Fine laugh, I see if I worry about you again, you ass!" I groused. Glaring at him sideways. I hopped off the stool, appetite lost. I went to go toss the rest of my omelette in the compost bin, thoroughly disgusted with that male. He spun on the stool as I tried to dodge around his wings and whipped one hand out to snatch my plate that he placed on the counter, while the other grabbed my wrist that he used to reel me in like a damn fish. And yes I did try to wriggle out of his grasp. And no, it so did not work. Damned guy ain't the High Commander for nothing apparently.

Once the plate was on the counter, he employed that hand by sliding it around my waist, to bring my protesting and swearing to make a sailor blush self between his knees. He still had my wrist in his other hand. He then used some kind of Luvian ninja move and I found both my wrists pinned behind my back in one of his hands. I got still and quiet real quick. I stared at him wide eyed. "You have my attention" I whispered. The smug bastard just gave me a half smile. I could smell what ever scent was used to wash his clothes, and what ever other soap, cologne... who the hell knows, just HIM. It was maddening how freaking YUMMY he smelled to me. And I just wanted to bite his lower lip so bad. It was so full and plush looking. And I hated feeling that way. This guy was the last person I wanted having the keys to my libido! "Now, that the little Leonadess has stopped hissing, I can say... I froze because the omelette?" I nodded silently. "Was so richly flavored and like nothing I had ever tasted, that I was just surprised is all. I didn't mean to scare you." He says this last part gently, a small and sincere smile on his face as he looks into my eyes. I flush and look down. "I'm glad you liked it, sorry I over reacted... Can I have my body back now?" I say with a small tug at both my wrists and waist. He grips me tighter and I feel a thrilling shock race through my body as my eyes shoot to his in surprise. He looks even more shocked then I feel that he resisted the idea of letting me go.

His hands open rapidly and I step back quickly. We both look every place but at each other. Making awkward coughing and throat clearing noises a piece. I grab my plate and take a few more bites as I resume my path to the bin. After scraping off what's left, I take the plate to the sink. "I will clean up, it's only proper since you made the meal" Diah offers. I nod and turn to the balcony that we had arrived on the night before, as he turns back to finish his own breakfast. I sit down on one of the circular loungers as I begin to recount to myself my meeting with Goldest. I really needed to know more about the feud between the two races. His memories were not that of a rabid beast. And the Luve seem pretty honorable. History on Earth was itself rife with tragedy that had started over misunderstandings and miscommunications. Could these two peoples be brought to peace if they were to just talk to one another? I would have to talk to Tav, I could trust him not turn in to a slavering zealot if I asked him anything that could be seen as controversial. He knows me well enough to understand I'm not trying to start drama. Now I just need to go back in there and ask Diah how to contact Tav before he comes to dinner tonight. Oh joy. Let the awkwardness commence. 

A/N: I just love it when they gravitate towards each other like they are in a trance, and then get awkward when the both snap out of it *snicker* I love messing with those two.

Also...I sometimes reread a chapter before starting the next, and fix any mistakes I didn't catch the last time, so don't be surprised if you see this chapter being published again w changes...just don't expect anything really noticeable is all.

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