So That's a Hawt... I mean awful Savage Luve?

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Chappie dedicated to rachelbookaholic  and DefenderofHyrule   for giving me inspiration! Now both our Savage Luve anti-hero and his Island have a name!

A/N 8/31/19 I will likely remove this note at some point... but the one above had one before it at one point, and I removed it... but it will not be removed... the two readers will remain acclaimed here as will any readers in any other chapters that they have touched. I love when readers give me feedback so thoughtfully, that it actually spurs me to alter something within the story. I know to some that might seem odd or flighty... but to me I do this for both of us... so why not toss in someones idea, especially if I make sure every one knows it was their idea? That's why when I find myself stumped on something I look to you all for inspiration. So thanks for indulging me so much!

Before the idiot in front of me could even try to impress me by introducing himself with what would no doubt be a long winded dissertation of his family tree, he was grabbed by the back of his neck and hauled back down the steps of the dais. I stood to see what was happening as the moron was converged upon by several guards who were providing an assist to my dubious Good Samaritan. I had expected it to be any one of the guys in our group, or even one the High Elders I had just met. But as my guys booty's were just now rising indignantly from their chairs? I could see it was actually some guy I had never even met. But there was definitely something about him that was strangely familiar. I tilted my head as I tried to place it. He was more muscular than the average Luve that was obvious, and certainly looked more fierce. The way he was dressed was far less civilized as well, since he was clearly not in any sort of uniform. His pants were some kind of blue leather, and his shirt a cream colored linen type of fabric. The shirt was covered by a jacket of the same leather as the pants, the overall look making me squint in an effort to see if the dude had earrings, 'cause he was looking like a sexy pirate... just without the eye patch or stupid frilly chintz on his shirt. I blinked at a sudden thought. That was followed by a light going off over my head and a bit of embarrassment as I cringed and peeked over my shoulder at Dev.  And sure enough... my so called savior looked like a freaky doppelganger of my Squishy-Bear. Big difference? Where Dev looked like a big 'ole teddy bear... this guy just looked like trouble... the smexy kind, like he'd be just pouring his mojo all over you while stealing your purse... and your exploding ovaries would have you also offering him your nanas ring or something equally twitter-patted, so long as he kept smoldering at you.

"You dare try talk to an unmated female so informally?! Without seeking permission from those males she in the care of first? Is this the way your Aerie usually represents itself? And they call my people Savage..." The males last words trail off in disgust as he shoves my overly enthusiastic admirer away from himself. The Savage dusts himself off before looking around as he takes note of the silence. We are all staring at him. He smiles in self depreciation as he seems to realize it's his declaration of being a Savage Luve that has caused the room wide shock. He looks up to me, and seems a bit surprised to see I am more intrigued than shocked, although my twitter-patted status dissolved quicker than mall-grade toilet paper as soon as he spouted that chauvinistic onikery about assuming I'm in the care of males...

This changes to mildly annoyed as he approaches the dais with a arrogant swagger and a mischievous smirk on his face. Males are males everywhere in the universe... I think as I see him get a calculative gleam in his eyes. He bypasses me and goes to the High Elders table that has Diav and Tah seated at it. I raise a brow and watch as he has a few quiet words with them before he approaches my table again. Once Diah gives him a reluctant nod, he finally turns to me. I stand to meet him rather than place myself in a submissive position when he gets to me. He gets an amused sparkle in his eyes when he notes my action for what it is. He plants his feet shoulder width apart before me, one hand behind his back, one fist to his chest and wings arched back as he stares into my eyes and says, "Cradion-Tooru... of the Isle Lagos, Tehlanna. I am here to fight for the right to win you to my side and take you to my home. There you will be safe from the fears of the narrow minded." He looks so damn sincere and yet so mocking at the same time. I snicker before I can stop myself. His brow crinkles as he looks at me in mild confusion. His expression seems to imply that he expected me to believe that nonsense.

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