Adlar-Batoor... What Pretty Scales You Have...🐍

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"Oh I am going to enjoy showing you the ways of Lagos little Tehlanna..."

His words sound threatening as hell, and I do feel menaced, my body tensing in self defense as I stare up at him. But my instincts are also sparking that something's off with this guy. Because as I am staring him down... er up, I could swear I see a glimmer of mischief in his eyes. Which makes little to no sense, as I can see no reason for him to be teasing me in a playful manner. His eyes flicker around briefly before he looks around at everyone else and says,

"As the only Patriarch not looking to either win this female to the side of either myself or one of my own fledglings, I claim rights as the Tehlanna's Minder. I will see to it that she is properly tutored in the Teachings of Lagos, as well as Mind her and Defend her until she has been Won, As Is The Way..." His words are spoken in a projecting tone that brooke no protest. A quick glance around shows that there are plenty who want to open their yaps and deny him whatever he's going on about, but no one actually pipes up. Curious, either they can't refute that he's the only one who qualifies for whatever custom dictates? Or he holds mucho clout.

I glance at Craytoo to see his reaction, but he seems fairly unconcerned at this development. Daddy-Tooru on the other hand, looks fit to chew nails he seems so angry. It appears to be directed at the guy soon to be absconding with me, not myself... Not that he's making off with me per say, since everyone clearly knows about it. The guy notices too I see, as he turns his attention to Draytoo and in a very condescending tone asks,

"Something amiss High Elder?" The nearly smug expression he wears makes me think he's baiting the now glowering Draytoo. And when said High Elder visibly grits his teeth as he replies, "Not in the least Aldar-Batoor, you have been nothing less than an exemplary Follower of Lagos since your return from Exile... Indeed, who better to teach the female than one who has seen the desolation of living without the Teachings?" His words were pretty, but hold an edge of resentment. It doesn't take much to guess this Aldar-Batoor must be around the age Devion-Tooru would have been had he survived his dual with Biav's douchecanoe of a mate, and that they must have known each other.

It has me looking at him more closely. He doesn't seem any different than the other males around me. Stupid tall? Check. Pirate-Chic clothes fit to get a girl thinking naughty thoughts? Check check. Dark mojo oozing out of every pore so that the air I breath is damn near enough to make me question my stance on letting a guy tell me what to do, so long as he does it looking like that? Triple check, and a yes please sir, may I have another. As to his age? I would have put him as just slightly younger than Diav most likely.

Come to think of it, I don't actually know how old Diah is. Have I been robbing the cradle every time I got hot and heavy with him? How mortifying would that be? But he's never asked about my age after a lip lock either, so he must not be too worried about the whole cougar thing. Gah, what a thing to be thinking about, when I am stuck here with these yahoo's. I blink a bit to clear my thoughts as I notice the two Patriarchs in a stare down. I wonder what the deal with them is. And do I even want to open that can of worms? No, not really. I just want to get back to the others. Maybe there's a convent or something I could join instead of having to 'mate' some random dude?

My wistful inner ramblings are cut short by the little stand-off's end occurring when one of the gathered Patriarch's loudly pointed out that the evening was coming and it would be dark soon. Dradion-Tooru clears his throat and nods to the male in thanks for the notice, before addressing those gathered, "The Tehlanna will be given a cycle in which to learn our histories and cultures. After which she will be expected to behave in accordance wi-"

"The hell I will!" I burst out. There are shocked and outraged murmurs all around, but I refuse to be quiet. "No, I sure as hell will not learn all that crap in a cycle... that's only like seven days. That wouldn't even be enough time were it a subject I wanted to learn. The history and the culture?! You are trying to set me up for failure. You want to see me get punished, which is just twisted by the way. I refuse to accept such a demand. I am not on a deadline here, that I have to learn all that mess so quickly.  I mean seriously, is this Lagos coming for a visit or something and I just have to impress them, or it will mean doom and gloom for your entire Isle?" Yeah, I have the hand of the arm not currently being held prisoner yet again by Craytoo, who tried to shut me up at my first out burst, planted on my hip. And I'm using a sarcastic as all get out voice to boot towards the end. What makes the whole thing perfect, is the looks on the faces around me. They all seem to be wondering what the rush is as well, and cast inquiring looks at Dradion-Tooru, clearly waiting for him to explain himself.

High Commander Diah's ResistanceOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora