Never Let Them See You Can Be Compromised... It's Always Gonna Be Exploited

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You'd think the danger would have come from the clever little stinker before me, quick to see the potential to free herself from a lifetime of bondage by using what she could clearly see was her charges scenting of her Mate in my person. But alas, it was not Curzon-Dax who broke the fragile moment occurring before me... no, it was that nasty corpulent owner of this estate, who'd somehow twinkle-toed it like a bloated Fred Flintstone.

He was peering over the stall door, leering really and said in a smug manner, "Oh ho, what's this? My Colorless One is unexpectedly fond of an off-worlder. Could it be she senses her Mate upon you Tehlanna? How very interesting..." His speculative tone made me feel more than a little ill. The disgustingly excited gleam in his eyes, gave me the notion that he was already plotting ways to use the pitiful creature cradled against me, well... against me. I could feel it as she and I both gave a repulsed shudder. I didn't reply to the nasty little man, seeing as he never actually asked me a question directly, more like mused aloud. The mutinous expression I no doubt sported finally registered in his groady little mind I saw, when his expression went from smug to aggravated.

Not sure if he'd been expecting me to get flustered and panicky and give info away due to being freaked out, or perhaps become the lady that dost protest too much and pretty much confirm that he was right. Times like this I wished I was stronger, more influential, hell even had damn supernatural powers or something. Then I wouldn't be sitting on the floor of a exotic Leonade menagerie, feeling actual fear over what could happen next. Not even for my own sake, but for her the so called Colorless One(horrible and unimaginative name that) as well as my precious Goldest. Poor putty-tat hadn't even been made aware of her yet, and she was being threatened as a bit of bait to snare a new bloodline of captive Leonade. And poor Goldest, the moment he caught a whiff of her, would no doubt agree to damn near anything to be with her and keep her safe as possible. And I couldn't even say I would blame him, after all had it been my Collin being threatened or heaven and the universe combined help them, my Cayla? I would have likely gotten myself tossed into the clink for murder. And don't mean of crows... I would have happily carved this winged piggy like a dinner roast if he went anywhere near either of them.

My growing frustration and malice towards the guy must have also communicated loud and clear, because his uncomfortable sounding cough was reduced in its smugness of tone. He did begin cutting a look around as if seeking the perfect diabolical plan to get what he wanted though. A spark of something lit his eyes as he seemed to light upon what he sought. He turned his head and spoke in low tones to what little I could suddenly notice of one of his pretty-boys. That guy peeked into the room with a narrowed eyed look in my direction, before twirling to make his unusually long hair swirl like a ballet ribbon and the tap tapping, of his girly slippers could be heard as he raced away to do his sugar daddies bidding. What a shameless mussy, and not even in a cute way like Diah when he had me pinned. I flinched, man I wished Diah were here right now. He'd punch this guy right to the moon for us.

Well, no actually I doubt that, he didn't seem the type to fall to primitive brawling over a girl. But he'd do something manly and epic dammit... of that I have no doubt. And this guy would be squealing for mercy in no time! I don't usually endorse expecting or hoping for others to bail oneself out of trouble, gotta be able to take care of your damn self and all. But I'd beg for help like the most distressed damsel in history in this moment, if only to prevent these guys from getting their paws on even one more new Leonade. The smug(him) and defiant(me) stare down Lag-butt and I had going was cut short by the sound of multiple feet clattering in our direction. I watched as they filed into the room.

"What is the meaning of your summons Patriarch Lag? What do you mean that my charge has violated your privacy and property?!" Adlar's pissy tone alone would have had a lesser snake cower, but sadly the Lag-butt wasn't so easily cowed, now that he had possible leverage. He turned a faux-innocent look of affront to my Minder, and effected "But you can see for yourself that she has touched that which is not hers, nor was given leave to touch... Should I lay judgement upon the creature, for allowing herself to be touched by an outsider? Or perhaps the boy who brought her to this place to start with, unawares though he may have been of her lack of permission, hmm?"

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