Go On Rub His Tummy...You Know You Wanna

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"Yeah about that..."

I didn't get to say anything else, since Goldest was simply too excited to wait for me to explain or ease Tav into a more cautious introduction. He just came scrambling out from under the deck and did a glide-climb combo that landed him directly on top of Tav with "omph" of escaped air from a smooshed Luve. Who barely had time to spread his wings out to either side of himself, to avoid them being crushed under his own body. The poor kid was then the lucky recipient of a thorough face tongue bath and full body purr-massage courtesy of the huge Leonade who, when this all was done to his satisfaction, proceeded to flop on to his back after spreading out his own wings, and present Tav with his gorgeous furry belly.

"You shameless belly-begging mussy!" I exclaimed with my hands on my hips staring down into his jewel-blue eyes with an amused grin. Goldest just purred back at me smugly. Shameless putty-tat just knew Tav was gonna be enchanted with his kittenish behavior even if he had just been flattened and treated like a kitten himself. I turned to the shell-shocked Tav, whose hands were still up in the air in the surprised mime position they had been in when he'd been splatted initially. "What is a mussy Lana?" He asks faintly, as he shakes his head in bemusement and rolls over to get to his feet as he looks at me curiously.

I smirk and reply "A male hussy of course." He rolls his eyes heavenwards and mutters something about needing the patience of a venerable Elderess when dealing with me sometimes. I just snicker at him and then motion to the Leonade showing his own patience lying between us.
"Go on, rub his belly... You know you wanna..." I say this like I'm really saying 'all the cool kids are doing it', and Tav gives me a dirty look before crouching down before Goldest, flaring his wings a bit to keep his balance as he does so. Goldest's hind legs begin to twitch in his excited anticipation. These two. Maybe it would have been better if THEY had bonded. I think as the belly rubbing commences.

"What is his name? I assume he has already Bonded to you? Though I am amazed it was possible with one not of this world... But being that it was you? I am not overly surprised" Tav snorts a bit to himself as he complies with the belly begging, and gives Goldest some firm scratches along his rib cage and upper abdomen.
"Yeah, that kinda went down last night, and your bro is completely in the dark about that just so you know" I reply. I go to say more but then stop and end up mid word with an oh so attractive splutter of sound as I have just noticed what 's happened to Tav's hair! It has been licked in to a swirled ice cream cone shape! It even has the little circle you could stick a pencil through at the end!

I cough and attempt to maintain some semblance of decorum... nope, I canna do it captain! I start giggle-snorting like a loon, while trying to cover my mouth in an attempt to stay quiet and not attract Diah's attention by braying like a damn donkey. Tav looks at me with a raised brow, and I point with a finger shaking with my laughter, at his awesome kitty-licked up-do. Tav's eyes follow my finger curiously, then his hands follow, gingerly feeling his hair around as he discovers what has me in a hysterical fit. His eyes widen in dismay. I tried to clamp my lips shut between my teeth seeing this, I really did. But a super lady-like piggy snort escapes and I am off again.

"Goldest, his name is Goldest" I finally manage to gasp out when I catch my breath. Tav almost had me collapsing in a heap when he started slapping at his hair in an attempt to get it to lay back down. Goldest just rolled on to his tummy and watched us like we were great fun the whole time once he realized tummy rub time was over.

"How did this come to be Lana? You have not been here long at all, and I can't imagine you have been alone overly much... If at all" Tav looks so baffled I can totally understand where he's coming from.
"Goldest popped up last night, and somehow Bonded to me through the glass wall of the bathroom." I pointed up and to the right in the general direction behind me to where said bathroom was located. " I saw... like, a mental home movie of his life from his earliest memories until the moment he met me, but like at warp speed. All the most important moments in his life really. And he let me know he saw mine at the same time." Tav looked amazed.

"I had read that it was like that, but didn't think we'd ever have the chance to experience it again, I hope this is just the beginning. As I for one, would be honored to share a Bond with a Loneade as well." Tav says wistfully. Now I feel bad, like I somehow stole his fondest wish or something. I glance at Goldest ruefully. Do no fret my Bonded, I was always meant to Bond to you alone. Having met this one, I feel he would Bond easily with one of litter mates. She is of a very complimentary temperament. I noted he didn't say they would have s similar temperament.

This news makes me very happy. But... What about Setvella? Won't she be a tiny bit hurt at being out of the flying putty tat club? I would be if I were her. Okay, I would be more than a tiny bit hurt, if I were being totally honest with myself. But I mean come on, it's a freaking fluffy flying Liger people! With lagoon blue eyes and sparkly gold tiger stripes for the love of little green apples! Who wouldn't want to be a member of that club?! *sigh* maybe it's a girl thing? Nah, I can still see how glazed and dazed Tav looks. Worry not,  I have other litter mates, I know one who will suit her as well. Goldest assures me. I wonder if the fact that they are not yet officially together will make a difference in if she can Bond to one of his litter mates, but dismiss the notion. Those two have it so bad for each other I don't think a little thing like a legal formality will be any sort of roadblock. Tav has stood by this point, and managed to return some order to his hair while Goldest and I chatted about him getting his very own Bonded. Goldest stands as well, then slinks over to my side and waits while I tell Tav the good news. Tav's eyes widen in gleeful surprise for both him and Setvella, I worry a bit that he will split the corners of his mouth he's smiling so wide. We all freeze when we hear the sound of a certain grouchy pants stomping around coming from inside the house. I look at Tav quickly in alarm, then we both look at Goldest. The Leonade stares back at me mildly, as though the one person he should be most concerned about finding him here, wasn't super close to just popping up and catching us chit chatting with the 'enemy'.

Goldest, the little shit, actually takes the time to yawn hugely while stretching. Like he hadn't a care in the world. Me? I'm about to hyperventilate, with Tav running neck and neck with me. I start flapping my hands in a 'hurry the hell up!' motion at Goldest, then hiss at him "You need to fly the hell on you silly kitty! Diah can NOT find you here, he is SO not in a good place to meet you right now! If his grumpy ass will ever be." Goldest rumbles an unimpressed noise at me. I throw my hands up in the air and walk up to him and begin to push ineffectually at his furry shoulder. He finally lets me lead him to the end of the balcony. I will leave for now, as I agree that your male is not yet ready. Goldest informs me, while I splutter that Diah is so NOT my male. Goldest give me this look that tells me he thinks I am being silly. I decide to leave it alone for the moment, since the goal is to get his furry butt airborne, before it gets seen! We then agree to meet the next morning around this time. Goldest nods his head at Tav, who returns the gesture, then just before taking flight the saucy feline licks my face from chin to forehead! I bat at him and fuss about how gross it is to have kitty spit all over my face. He just gives a purring mental laugh as he flies off.

I turn to Tav, who is staring after Goldest with a child-like look of wonder on his face. "Well that went great huh?" I ask snapping him out of his daze finally. He looks at me with wide excited eyes. "Lana I can not wait for Setvella and I to have our own Bonded!" he gushes. Such a little boy sometimes this one. I shake my head at him and smile back indulgently. I tilt my head towards the house as I can hear Diah stomping this way, Goldest left none too soon. Tav and I turn to meet Diah as he clomps his way on to the balcony. He stops cold and glares around suspiciously. I stiffen when I realize what has him acting that way. He can probably smell Goldest! Uh oh... and there ain't got no spaghetti-oh's round here!

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