Taste the Soup They Said, You Won't Regret It They Said...

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Once the tourney began, it was clear to me that it was more of a mad dash melee. I sat there stupefied at their stupidity. Seriously? It was completely disorganized chaos before me. I had honestly expected a civilized system to be set up. Maybe based around oldest to newest Aerie? Or maybe contestant lineage perhaps? Heck a freaking lottery, Rock Paper Scissors, or something to decide who fights who and when... anything would be better than this mess. I turned an incredulous expression on Diav, who had been watching and laughing like most guys would at such displays of 'manliness'. He noted the way I was looking at him and did a double take. He asked what was amiss. I told him what I thought of the moronity happening out on the arena floor. He in turn said it was a bit of entertainment for the spectators, as well as a way for the lesser prospects to be weeded out quickly.

Entertainment? I deadpanned to myself. But upon observing the crowd, saw that they were indeed having a blast. Then watching the fighters, saw that some were doing the 'My give up' hand motion of raising both arms in the air when they'd had enough. Huh, stupid... but apparently effective. Oh well, when in Rome right? And the more of these idiots that tap out as it were, in this round? The quicker this day at least will be over. We haven't even been here a full hour and I am beyond bored out of my gourd. Oh for a book, or graphic novel to read. Hell I'd settle for a coloring book at this point. Which is just sad, since I know I still have hours of this to get through. I lean forward in my seat with my arm resting on my knee, chin in hand, eyes already glazed over. I can feel my mind drifting to Goldest, wondering if he can hear me this far away. Sadly, all I can get from him are faint feelings. Naughty kitty is amused at my plight. I grumble indignantly at this, only to stop when I realize I am being stared at by the people around me. I cut my eyes around frantically, looking for something to use as an excuse for my odd outburst.

"The... fighting is just so, sporadic... it seems... I can't really focus my attention on any one prospect like this?" I peek about to see if they bought it. There are many speculative murmurs as they Elders consider my words seriously. I sigh in relief, until I see Diah's expression. He is not looking amused, but his Granny sure is. She knows good and well I'm sure just who I was grumbling at. I give her a one shouldered shrug then a slight chin tilt towards her grandson. She glances at his expression, and her own turns smug. I blink at this, she thinks him being pissy is funny? Then it dawns on me, he thinks I give a flying fart in space about those guys?! How cute, I think as I glance back at him with a most likely sappy grin. He sees this and his sour-puss dissolves into a moue of confused amusement. Yeah I guess a sappy Lana, is an amusing one. He shakes his head and still smiling slightly, turns to join the Elders in their discussions about how long to allow the melee to continue. Diav touches my arm, and when I turn to him he explains that usually they melee for about two hours. By then it will be lunch time. After that there is an intermission during which the fighting match ups are decided. I nodded my understanding, then calculated how much longer till lunch. Not that I was hungry, I just was that bored and wanted to get out of this box.

I then realized I wouldn't be nearly as bored if my peeps were there with me. I glanced around the room one good time to make they weren't hiding somewhere before lowly asking Diav, "Where are Tav, Vella, and Dev? Because I'm so bored right now? I could poke Diah in the side to see if he's ticklish, just to have a distraction." I know I am pouting, and frankly my dear I don't give a damn. Diav just laughs at me, no doubt imaging me sneaking up on Diah to tickle attack his prim and proper self. I smirk at him and we share a moment to look at Diah, who had just then turned to look at us. He looks mildly alarmed at our twin expressions of mischief. I glance around and realize Tah is not here either, and inquire as to her whereabouts as well. Diav leans outside the box a bit over the rail and I follow to see him point to a certain area in the stands. And sure enough, there they all are. They see us in that moment and wave happily, I give a Miss America wave back, to which they give confused looks to each other, before attempting to emulate. I snicker at their behavior, before Diav half heartedly fusses at me for teasing them. Oh well at least I'm not as bored for the moment. Maybe I should see if their medical professionals have any kind of way to treat ADHD? I'm well aware I'm more than a little squirrelly. But I kinda left my prescription back in the cabin, how careless right? I don't think I have done too bad without it, I mean I wasn't diagnosed till I was an adult to start with, so had had to operate unassisted for decades anyways.

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