But Seriously...He Started It

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I opted to own what I did by standing as tall as my rapidly tiring body would allow, then turning calmly on my heels to face the person who made it clear they expected my attention. This Luve was one I had not yet met I saw, when I fully faced them. They were dressed much like Cradion-Tooru actually, pirate-chic must be the Savage Luve formal wear norm. This guy's colors were an emerald green, his hair the same shiny silver of Diav just longer. He also had the Silver Fox thing going, but in a very scary-hot way. He looked like the kind of guy that belonged in some S&M dungeon somewhere with his lady Luve pets crawling around him with collars and leashes and their wings all bound. I shivered in alarm at the way he looked at me, as it was that arrogant sort of look that said that I had been naughty... and he was just the man to teach me a 'lesson'. I seriously did not ever want to be alone with his guy, since he had the kind of dark mojo that was a hazard to my distinctly non-pet personality. I am so not the, "Please Master may I have another?" Type. I like a guy who knows what he's doing in the boudoir as much as the next girl...

But this guy? His whole demeanor screams control and a seductive dark mojo that just demands unequivocal submission. I need to make sure he doesn't get too close. It'd be just my luck that he'll even smell freaking amazing, and I'll embarrass myself by getting that allured look one gets when a smexy scented guy gets too close. In an attempt to regain my equilibrium, I cross my arms over my chest rather than under it, as I don't want to seem like I'm inviting attention to the girls now do I? I stand there staring back at him with a brow raised, sass back online now that I have identified what about this guy unsettles me. And admitting to myself I am potentially vulnerable to him will actually make me more aware of any tricksy behavior he may pull... if he even does. I mean I could just be being paranoid, maybe he smolders at anything female...

"So you are the female my son wishes to win to his side hmm? I see that he was unable to tame you and lure you from the one that currently... has you." The words spoken by the sire of Cradion-Tooru's seem to imply by his tone that Diah is my owner. I bristle at that and curl my lip at the jerk before saying, "I am a woman grown, mister... I don't need to be had by anyone. It is the slightly understandable xenophobia of the Luvian people that has put High Commander Diah and I in our current status. And it is their unnecessary though well meant insistence that I require a guardian, that has me about to have to deal with this tourney... But as I have said repeatedly, I won't be forced to accept anyone into my life, nor will I be intimate with anyone not of my choosing. So your son can wish to win me, he could actually win the tournament... but it won't matter. If I don't want him touching me... He. Won't. Touch. Me." I narrow my eyes at the end of my statement to emphasize how serious I am. His father doesn't look happy with my defiant words, and looks down at his son who is working his way to his feet at this point. Cradion-Tooru glares at me before saying in a formal tone while motioning from his dad to myself, "My Sire, High Elder of the Lagos Isle... Dradion-Tooru. Sire, the Tehlanna of the planet Earth... Dristi Shula Alanna." Well ok then, guess my last name no longer applies here, and I'm gonna be known as that new title thing they've given me? Meh, sounds cool and Dristi-Shula Alanna does have a nice ring to it... I'll keep it.

While I'm preening over my new name, daddy-dearest has drifted closer, which is no bueno. I tilt my head up to keep my eyes on him, which he notes and gives me a wicked grin as he looks me over again in a blatant way that has me wanting to put on a mu-mu. His eyes glitter with appreciation, but I don't feel appreciated, so much as appraised like a item at auction. He exchanges smug looks with his son, before stepping further into my personal space. This sends a wave of his scent right into my face, letting me know I was right. His scent is dangerous, with its notes of dark amber, sandalwood, vanilla, and a hint of campfire. I take shallow breaths through my barely open lips to take in as little of it as possible. He just smirks, like he is very aware of his effect on my senses. Asshat!

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