Feeling so Damn Sheepish I Could Knit you a Sweater?

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After shooing Goldest under the overhang of the balcony to stay out of sight till I could suss out how receptive Tav would be, I hustled my happy butt back over the railing and and twinkle toed it over to the lounge chair and sat down just in time. Tav had flown around the last tree blocking ones view of the area surrounding Diah's home.

I heave sigh of relief as subtly as I could. Tav has already told me the Luve have good eyesight. No point rousing suspicion before he even landed. I tried to look as pleasantly surprised as I could when he finally touched down and approached me. "Miss me already? You saw my face just a few minutes ago." I teased lightly. Tav didn't smile back. He looked very worried, then agitated. I raised a brow and said "Tav? What's wrong hun?" And tilted my head inquiringly. He looked down and then I noticed his ears and neck had begun flushing red. What's this?  He looks really mortified right now, did he talk to Diah about our weird lil 'day time, night time' game mating dance meme we've been acting out here lately? Cuz I can't think of anything else that would cause that level of embarrassment.

"Tav... You okay? You are looking a really unhealthy shade of red right now." I don't even bother hiding my my smirk. He gives a pained grunt then sneezes. His eyes are actually watering at this point. I blink at him. He looks at me and then makes a grossed out face as he says "Ugh, what have you two been doing? The pheromones out here on the balcony are extraordinarily thick! We are outside Tehlanna! I don't even want to think about how bad it must be inside. I may get ill if I try to go in there." Then the lil stinker covers his mouth and makes like he's about to be sick in to his hand, but not before I catch the wicked twinkle in his eyes. Even knowing he's just acting like a bratty kid brother, it doesn't stop me from going stiff in mortification. I have never wanted to face-palm myself so badly in my life while simultaneously making like a chameleon and just blending in with the background so no can see me. How could I forget?! The Luve can freaking smell emotion! This whole damn time, every time, Diah has been effected whenever I was hot and bothered by him! Did that mean that my desire for him, in turn made him desire me against his will? Gah, how horrible would that be?

Tav sees how my shoulders are slowly drawing closer to my ears as I hunch into myself. His face reflects his own alarm at having caused me distress. He approaches me quickly and pulls me into a hug. "You could not have known that I would have had such a strong reaction to the mixing of your scents Lana. Truly, it's actually not a bad thing. If you and my brother were to become mates in truth? Then the message that sent me flying here in such a panic will have been for naught.  And I will be grateful for this," Tav pets my hair as he basically tells me he had no clue what had been going on with me and Diah until he actually got here. I relax against him. "Are you talking about the stupid 'Gladiators for the Lana Prize' message that Diah got last night by any chance?" I ask him with my face still smooshed up against his collar bone. "Yes! I had just signed off with you, when Elder Brix ringed me. He told me what was going on, and I didn't even stop to sign off with him... I just flew right out. For all I know he could still be sitting there waiting for me. But I don't care. This is asking too much! This other Aerie? They are but one continent away from our ancient enemies Lana. I do not trust this. I fear they are involved somehow.

I perk up at the mention of the mutual foe of the Luvians and Leonades. I have just been offered the chance to learn more on a damn silver platter. Squee, ugh. I did not just do that. Even if it was in my own head. That is so sad, I just lost cool points with myself... sigh. "Tav? What is the deal with theses enemy Luve?" I peer up at him as I ask he looks out across the water, in the general direction of the dastardly Isle I assume, eyes unfocused expression sad. "They are a primitive peoples Lana... Said to have forsaken the All Mother... They keep their females sequestered and submissive. They enslave Leonades as though they were not sentient in their own right to use for beasts of burden and guarding their territories.  Their treatment of their females had slowly caused a decline in the overall birthrate of their society. No one is quite certain how. There are some theories, that the females themselves found secret ways to prevent fertility. Or that they even found a way to only birth boys. Either way, the males became desperate. Their native Leonades were either dying off, or too inbred. New Prides refused to settle there, knowing they risked capture and enslavement.  The savages dared not attack the nearest continent for new blood, as it was the Mother Continent. It was the strongest and most technologically advanced. They would be slaughtered for simply attempting a raid. Ours on the other hand? We were the youngest, and though not too far behind in advancements, it was enough to isolate us long enough for them to not fear the wrath of the Mother Continent. The only thing that saved us from total assimilation was our evolution's, and our healthy relations with the Leonade's on our own continent. We worked side by side, often pairing our young from birth as companions." Tav stops talking for a moment. Seemingly lost in thought. I take that time to process. I feel Goldest's regret roll through me as he too considers a Luvian's view point of their mutual history. It's just such a damn shame. So much suffering, for Tav's fore bearer's, for Goldest's, but mainly? For the 'primitive' female counter parts. They were the poor bastards at ground zero. I can't imagine what those women must have suffered through that made them desperate enough to doom their own bloodlines like that.

"If there was a way for you to mend the rift with the Leonades of today, would you? I mean it happened in your great grandpa's time. What ever it was that pulled y'all apart, is it still valid or relevant today? Not to downplay it... I'm not saying that. I'm just saying you can't punish the children of the present for the sins committed by the parents or grandparents decades ago... Just saying." I said the last bit nervously. I really wanted him to say yes. I feel Goldest practically prancing in place under us in anticipation.  We are both holding our breath waiting for Tav's answer. I'm staring at him with squinty eyes and crossed fingers, hell I even have my damn big toes crossed over my 'pointer finger' toes. I'm trying to Jedi mind-trick him, I'm staring that hard. Tav is giving me that look that says he is worried about my mental health, but thinks it's funny at the same time. I roll my eyes at him and give him the bird as I huff in annoyance.

He laughs and says, "Yes, I do believe I would. I have always been fascinated by the Leonade... ever since my grand dame Lady Roza told me stories as a child. I never understood why we haven't tried to reach out to them again. And after my experiences being enslaved? Even more so. The falling out was an accident. A misunderstanding that happened at the worst possible time. And both sides have spent decades recovering. But then again, I think decades is more than enough time to spend apart." Tav gives a half smile, but then looks puzzled. And honestly I don't blame him...

"Diah's deck has a massage feature? That is so weird... OH..."

Yeah, so not a massage feature. More like a super excited and happy putty-tat purring his huge booty off under said deck. I giggle a bit and think  I feel so damn sheepish right now, I could knit you a sweater Goldest.  Goldest gives a growly chuff of a laugh that is VERY audible as he gets my mental image of him in a huge ugly pet sweater. Tav's eyes grow huge and then he looks straight down to the deck at his feet. They dart up to my eyes. Seeing that I don't seem the least bit alarmed, nay I look mischievously amused,  he squeaks out, "Lana, is there a Leonade under my feet?".

"Yeah, about that..."

A/N: OK so who can tell me what I'm referencing when Lana was talking about the Day Time Night Time game? Anyone? Here's a hint: Steve! Steve! Steve! No? Alan! Alan! Alan! It's a YouTube video. I think it's funny anyways lol.

So, Tav's bout to meet a super excited Goldest eh? Bout that, wonder how that's gonna go? Will Tav end up with his hair kitty-licked in to some kind of crazy pompadour? Will Diah catch them in the act and lose his shasta? Hmmm...

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