I'm sorry crazy old bird says my mate is who now?!

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I am pretty sure I have just been staring dumbly at Brix for a good five minutes, or at least long enough that it has become awkward and super quiet. His happy expression, no doubt at having found a way to get me accepted to the Aerie AND provided for in one fell swoop, has faded into one of almost alarmed concern. He flicks his eyes past me to Tav his expression clearly begging for an explanation as to why I am not beside myself with jubilation.

"Alanna still mourns her first mate and fledgling Elder." Tav said quietly, his hand going to my shoulder in a show of support. The Elders around the table murmur expressions of condolences that I smile a wan thanks for, surprised that they cared to even speak them. Brix enlightens me.
"The loss of a mate is devastating enough, but to lose a fledgling at the same time?! I cannot fathom the despair you must have suffered. And yet you live and managed to care for all those slaves, kept them healthy even though you were in mourning, you are a very strong female."
Brix looks to the other Elders, they nod to him like they all still agree about something previously decided on. It makes my spidey senses tingle, I don't like it... somethings up. They are about to try to saddle me with some macho alpha, testosterone choked asshat, I just know it! I look at Tav his brow is furrowed, he knows it too. He looks at me, and takes my hand. I feel Setvella come up behind us and place her slender hand on both our shoulders.
Brix turns so that his whole body is now facing me, and motions for me to stand, I crinkle my brow in puzzlement but comply. He takes my hand and then looks to Diah with a stern look while motioning him forward. Diah looks both confused and alarmed, but he also complies and steps forward.

I am desperately hoping that Brix is about to tell me Diah is about to have to say sorry, then help with the SEARCH for this mate I don't even want. But, when Brix grabs Diah's wrist and forces our hands together, Diah and I both kinda tug on our own hands trying to get away, but damn that old buzzard has a strong grip on him and holds us together. I keep my eyes on Brix, refusing to acknowledge Diah in anyway. I don't even want to know what he's making of this mess, I already know he's as dismayed as I am.

"Due to High Commander Diah's disgraceful actions towards you, it has been decided that his atonement will be to be the one to bring about your acceptance to the Amber Aerie. HE will be your mate, and you will both be given accommodations that will befit High Commander Diah's new status as your mate." He stops and glances between us, I am still staring at him, only now I am looking at him like he had lost his mind. I don't say anything though, what can I say? If I refuse, I have no where in the world to go, literally. My hand is now limp in his grasp, as I try to think of a way out of this. I turn my head to look at Tav, who looks as unhappy as I do. He knows how much Diah despises me. How can these old people not see what a bad idea this is. I turn back to the Elder and murmur quietly so only he can hear,

"You do realize HE can't stand me right? That he has yet to even FEEL any actual remorse for what he did to me? And you think he will be okay with having to share living space with me, let alone his life?" I raise my brows questioningly at Brix.

Brix lowers his own brows and looks at Diah, I look at him too finally. Diah's stare bores into me. I can't tell what emotion he is presenting, it's intense whatever it is. He's got the furrowed brow thing going, the clenched jaw, his lips are pressed together like he's trying to keep from blurting something out. I hold his stare and wait for him to speak.

"I have no desire to Bind myself to this female Elder, yet nor do I wish to defy this council. Surely, there is another way to appease them?" Diah mutters lowly to Brix. I breath out in relief, at least I am not the only one trying to be diplomatic and yet not get stuck at the same time. We both stare at the Elder hopefully. Brix looks between us, then flicks his glance to the rest of the Elders who are watching us and clearly wondering what we are discussing. No doubt not understanding why we don't find this a wondrous solution to the whole issue. An idea pops into my mind just then, "Perhaps, if High Commander Diah were to be my uh, sponsor rather than my mate? And as his ward, he would have to provide for me and keep me safe, but not have to erm, be intimate with me... As I stay within his keeping as the High Commander?" I offer as a compromise.

Brix furrows his brow as he ponders this. "Is this something humans often do?" he asks curiously. I take a fortifying breath, hoping his question is promising and not just being polite.

"For minors, yes. It is not usually done for adults, as adults of both genders are often quite able to provide for themselves. But your culture seems, unwilling to grasp the concept of a me being able to work and provide for myself with out the need or use for a mate. So, this was the closest I could think of that would allow me to remain unmolested by some random male, and not have to deal with Diah's general nasty disposition any more than necessary, while still keeping the Elders and xenophobic populace happy." I shrug while saying the last bit, not daring to look at Diah lest he be glaring daggers at me.  Diah makes a disgusted disgruntled noise, which makes me glance at him, he is indeed glaring at me like I insulted his honor or something. "What? like you have been so joyful to be around? You and I both know, my idea is the best bet we have at being able stand having to live together, if the Elders persist with this idea. And, you wouldn't even have to leave your home." He cuts his eyes to the side and spits out "I understand this, and as much as it pains me, I must agree with your logic. Elder Brix, will you allow this amendment? That I will take her in as my, what did she call it? Ward... I will provide for her, shelter her, protect her, until such time as the Elders release us... or she does find a male she wishes to Bind herself to..." He says last part as though it tastes bad, which seems odd. He should be saying like he relishes the idea and will be tossing any male he can find at me in the hopes one will stick, to get me out of his home. Odd indeed, I think as I look at him curiously, but he is staring hard at Brix, a tick under his left eye, the only proof of his disquiet.

I shake it off, and turn to Brix as he lets go of our hands. He motions for us to return to our places. I happily plop my tush back on the bench as does Tav. Diah and Setvella return to their spots. Brix relays our conversation to the other Elders. They argue back and forth for a bit, some aghast at the idea of a female wanting to be so independent, others trying to be understanding of the fact that as an alien, my culture was not like theirs. But in the end they all finally decided I would Diah's ward for one of their years. If I behaved(whatever that means), I could move out and live on my own after that, providing for myself with the training job I was soon to start. If things went south, and I proved to not be able to take care of myself, then I would have to allow myself to be Bound to Diah. I wasn't sure I liked that idea, but it was better than nothing I guess. And it was certainly better than what we had started out with. And so I found Diah and myself having to sign an actual contract stating all those things. Oh Joy, and now I had to go with him to his home...

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