6: Shards of Glass

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Rika's POV

I was cleaning up the broken window in the upper floor bathrooms and had just thrown away the bag of broken plastic and glass when hell itself came to find me.

"Han Rika! You little b*tch!"

Like I said, hell itself flew its way to me.

"Yes, Miss Hyorin-ssi?" You're freaking the a year younger than me.

"Didn't I tell you you're only allowed to sing for my recordings and my concerts, OUT OF SIGHT of everyone?"

"Yes, Miss Hyorin-ssi"

"THEN EXPLAIN YESTERDAY!" She screeched, in a nasally voice. It's no wonder she needs me to sing for her to lip sync to. It still amazes me the lengths to which people try to force their way through life dishonestly. Someone who can't sing, a singer? See, this is the kind of company that results from a president like my father. Fine, her dancing is decent...but honestly, even someone like me who isn't a dancer- I've practiced so much more than her every night with the boys as a pastime that I'm certain I'm a better dancer than her. All she does is strut around with her pretty face; but like I said, a pretty face needs a a pretty heart. The heart speaks, and if the heart is ugly and rotten, it will show.

"I don't understand, Miss Hyorin-ssi" I speak quietly, still unsure of what fault she was choosing to pick with me today. I swear that girl has a hat full of 'faults for Rika' and picks one out each day.

"YOU!" she yells, and I wince as I hear her voice echo out through the halls. Luckily it's the girl's bathrooms.

No one be around the area, please. Please please please. Especially not Seventeen.

Suddenly I feel a hand at my neck pushing me into the wash basin violently, nails digging into my skin. My body was bent at an awkward angle against the sink and I closed my eyes, awaiting whatever was to come.

She bends down and I feel her breath by my ear.

"Don't think I don't know you tried recording Shining Diamonds and fiddling with the recording box to get my oppas' attentions. You think you could do something like that without me knowing?"

What recording?

And it's not a 'recording box', Hyorin. Go to school. You sound stupid.

I stood still, unstruggling against her grip and the wash basin. I had long learnt to endure, endure, endure. It's all I've done my whole life. I know I said I used to be in a street gang, so why aren't I fighting back? Because I can't. Eomma's life depends on every move, every word I say. This little bit of things are easy to endure. It gets worse, I tell you.

"You won't speak?" She screeches again.

You're not a crazy chicken Hyorin. Stop screeching.

"I do not understand what you're referring to, Miss Hyorin-ssi"

"You're JUST LIKE YOUR MOTHER, HAN RIKA. Always looking for attention"

No. You DON'T insult my mother like that.

You did NOT just do that, Hyorin.

I snap my gaze up angrily, and I see her shrink back for a moment before a smirk plays on her caked up face.

Stop it, Rika.

She KNOWS she's getting a reaction out of you.


I quickly change my eyes into a look of subservience and watch as confusion flashes across her face. Either way she'd get angry. If I flared up at her, I'd get in trouble and she'd fly like a banshee to my father. If I didn't, she would also get angry that she didn't manage to get a reaction from me. I could never figure out which was the better choice to make.

She throws me back up into standing position with her hand still gripping my arm tightly enough to make a bruise, and raises her hand up. I panic slightly seeing a piece of glass in her hands. Strong as I try to make myself, any normal seventeen year old girl would be afraid of death. I still have people to protect.

"I'll tell you what you did," she smiles grotesquely as she steps closer to me, "You sang, without my permission, and recorded it into Seventeen's track, just so you could get their attention and expose me for not singing my own songs. So now, you pay for it."

I sang? And recorded? What?

I'm still trying to figure out what's going on when I feel a sharp pain pierce my arm and I can only watch like a soul out of my body as she agonisingly drags it down my arm. The blood starts flowing down my arm and dripping from my fingers, and it is only then when the pain hits me in waves and I gasp, but I swallow hard, refusing to show tears.

"Oh, don't look at me like this Rika," she giggles like a school girl, "I only scratched you. I won't kill you just yet because I need your voice, little songbird."

I swear this woman is crazy. I don't know what kind of drugs she's on. And I'm not kidding when I say this. This witch and her mother are involved in all sorts of illegal business, I'm not surprised when she says she is able to kill me. I'm not surprised at all.

She throws the piece of glass into the sing and skips out happily.

I really don't know what's wrong with her.

"Oh, Mingyu oppa!" I hear her voice at a distance. I peek out to see Mingyu eyeing her awkwardly and nodding a hi as she grips his arm and pulls him off to somewhere as he follows reluctantly.

Perks of being the president's daughter.

I look down at my arm and back at mess I have to clean up- my blood, and think to all the work I have left to do today, now with a bleeding arm. I take back what I just said. It's not really that perky being the president's daughter.


"Please comment, and vote! Has everyone seen the newest Mansae part switch version? Everyone is SOOO adorable there!!! *fangirl squeals*

You know, like I was telling someone, I tried choosing a bias in Seventeen but it was too hard, so I tried choosing one bias per sub-unit, but even that was impossible. Sorry not sorry.


Diamond in the Rough (Seventeen and Bangtan Fanfic)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora