54: October Rain

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Rika's POV

"Eo-eomma...?" I whispered as I stepped into the white washed room, the smell of cleansing alcohol so sharp it pierced my lungs. 

We've all seen those dramas where the main character walks into the hospital room of a loved one to see that loved one covered over with a white cloth. And they cry, and cry and cry and cry, and scream so loud to the heavens their voice breaks. Everyone tries to comfort them to no avail, and everyone starts to cry with them. 

This isn't the drama of which I want to be the main character off, and yet I find myself stepping soullessly into the hospital room of my only loved one left in this whole wide universe, my loved one covered in that awful white cloth, as though it were saying: 

"She's dead now. She's like a blank piece of paper now. She's nothing now. She's dead." 

They usually cry, waterfalls of tears streaming down their lovely faces, but for some reason this main character, myself, I can't find any tears. 

Eomma's dead.

She's gone.

She's gone from my life.

She now left me all alone.

Eomma was my only purpose in life. Everything I did in my life was to make her proud, make her happy. 

The reason why I stayed at Pledis before was to pay for her hospital bills. The reason why I moved to Bighit was to make her proud. Everything I did in my life was to someday, be with her. Just eomma and I, living a happy life. I couldn't even give her a day of happiness before she left. I couldn't even spend a last day with her. 

Eomma...if you're now gone...What am I supposed to do anymore? 

The main characters of the stories always manage to find so many tears, they manage to step closer, hold their loved one's hand, speak to them in tears and regrets...but eomma...Help me.

I can't. I can't even move.

All I can see in my brain is white hot fuzz. How could so much go wrong in a single moment of someone's life? This must be some stupid f*cking joke someone played.

This must be some joke Hyorin played on me, just to rub it in that she managed to trap me on a rooftop for ages on the day I wanted to visit eomma.

It must b-..It must be.





"Rika!" LaHee, Rika's personal trainer barges into the room panicky after everyone realised that the girl had left the dorms alone before even recovering from the night being rained on. 

"What-" Jimin starts but cuts himself off as he watches Jungkook leaning in the corner of the room with a deathly pale look on his face. Slowly, LaHee and Jimin takes in Rika, standing motionlessly in the middle of the room staring at a bed covered by a white cloth, and Jungkook, also silently leaning against the wall of the room, unable to approach Rika. 

The atmosphere is scarily quiet, and no one dares to take a step. 

Seconds tick by as the four stand there quietly and that one small hospital room, the hospital room in which many probably stood before like them, silently taking in the loud reality screaming in their faces, one girl watching her loved one, dead, and the others, watching the girl they cared about slowly slip away. 




2 hours has passed and Rika is still standing in the same spot, unmoving. In those 2 hours, Jungkook had tried countless times to make himself step forward, tell Rika to move, tell Rika to do something, but just like she stood there wordlessly, Jungkook somehow couldn't make himself move. 

LaHee and Jimin had quietly left the room, and now crouching by the corner and staring into space were two new additions; Jun and Mingyu. 



The tension grows so strong that it's about to snap any moment— it was just a matter of whether Jun, Jungkook, Mingyu, or Rika, would snap first. It was like a game of jenga— just waiting for that one person who would pull the brick to make the tower crumble down. 

But the question was, was it better for a broken tower to remain standing, or fall? 




"Let's go," Jun says firmly as he strides bravely and purposefully towards Rika. Both Jungkook and Mingyu silently snap their head over with a dreary look in their eyes. At the same time as they were wishing they had taken the first step towards her, they didn't have to courage to see her reaction. Jun carefully grasps her hand, pulling Rika gently to turn away from the piercing white hospital bed, and that piercing white hospital room, and that piercing blankness. 

"Look at me," he says gently, "Nareul bwa, chaebal?" 


Mingyu's POV

I expected Rika to have cried or screamed, and something, at anyone, myself even. I was scared of that, but this scared me even more.

Why is Rika just staring at Jun like that?

There was no soul in that gaze, and my heart shattered.

So many times Hyorin tried to break her, so many times her father tried to break her. There were too many times everyone tried to break her, but she stood tall like a wildflower.

Did this really do it?

Was she really broken this time?

Was she really broken for real? 


"Comment and let me know what you guys think :) 

Like promised, I have lots of work but I realised this really lets me let out all that emotional angst (LOL) every night, so I'm going to make an effort to write SOMETHING everynight even if it's not a whole chapter

~Heartue, RinaYumi" 

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