13: You're Lost

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"Hello?" Jun yells out into the corridors as the automatic lights flicker on. The boy strides over to the emergency exit at the end of their corridor and pushes it open, hoping to find a girl hiding somewhere. "You can come out, we really want to meet you! Hyorin already left, so its okay! Hello?" 

"Jun? What are you doing..?" Joshua asks curiously, having been the first one to join Jun outside the training room.

"Joshua, don't you think...Don't any of you want to find that mystery singer? I think...she might have saved me back there. Hyorin was trying something...I'm sure."

"Mmm..Alright, I'll tell the boys to come help."

"Kumawo Josh"




"Oh! Yedeul-ah, is that storeroom light usually on? Isn't it always locked unless the cleaners need to get things?" Jeonghan pointed to the bottom of the storeroom door.

"Oh, you're right Jeonghan," Seungcheol ponders as they all scuffle closer to the door. The maknae Dino bends down and swipes his finger around to make sure that it's actually coming from the room and not a trick of the light, looking back up at his hyungs proudly after he's done so.

"Let me try," Jun takes a few steps closer to the door as the other boys make way for him. He twists the knob and it clicks freely, and he looks back at the boys. "It isn't locked," he says.

"Just open it hyung! What are you waiting for?" Hoshi and Seokmin start jumping around fist pumping each other but stop when Seungcheol shushes them. An air of anticipation fills the silence as the boys peer quietly at the door as Jun pushes it open.

"Oh? It feels like something's blocking it." Jun mumbles as the pushes the door open more more heavily and it slides open slowly, but enough for them to step in, and he does, gingerly, leaving the other boys outside and unsure of what to do. The boy surveys the dimly lit room and the mattress on the floor, the guitars leaning on the side of the window still, the neatly stacked books on the side shelves, and notices the lack of cleaning materials in the 'storeroom'.

Only when he turns around does he notice the girl leaning against the door with black tank top and a navy blue hoodie in her arms, sleeping soundly, and he freezes in his spot.


Jun's POV

Rika..? What is she doing here?

And she's sleeping here...The mattress, all these things...These must be hers.

Does that mean she sleeps here? This is her room?

Such a room...

How can a girl handle this?

All this shit from this company, why doesn't she just leave this place?



Jun sighs deeply and takes a few steps closer to Rika, squatting down to her level. 

"What is it that is so important that you have to make yourself like this, Rika?" he whispers, brushing the stray hairs around her face. He freezes when Rika frowns in her sleep and moves herself closer to him, still leaning on the door. 

Jun lets out a breath of air when she seems to fall asleep again, then carefully uses his fingers to smooth out the frown between her eyebrows.

"Eomma" Rika whispers, and Jun looks at Rika's sleeping face as a small smile creeps onto his own.

"HYUNG! HYUNG! You alive?" Hoshi yells from the outside.

"Be quiet! We're supposed to be practicing!" Seungkwan yells back sassily.

"Both of you..." Minghao mumbles sighing.

"Is there anyone in there hyung?" Mingyu asks, and Jun feel someone nudging the door trying to push it open. 

Jun's eyes widen as he looks back at Rika only wearing her tank top and quickly uses his body to push back against the door, preventing Mingyu from entering, before quickly tucking the hoodie around her and leaning to lift her to the mattress. He tucks the blanket around the sleeping Rika and brushes her hair to the side again so it doesn't itch her before rushing to the door. 

"Hyung? Why is the door blocked?" Mingyu asked again.

"Ani, it isn't blocked, see?" Jun opens the door and turns off the lights behind him, not wanting a group of boys wandering into Rika room while she was sleeping. 

"Why did you off the lights hyung? We still didn't go in yet." Seungkwan pouts.

"Ah, its just the cleaner's room," Jun explains.

"Ooooh, why do you wanna go in so much huh Seungkwan?" Vernon asks cheekily.

"But maybe she was the one who sang" Woozi, who's usually quiet pipes up.

"Jinja? Yea hyung, lets go ask!" Dino's eyes light up excitedly. 

"Do you boys seriously want to walk into a sleeping girl's room?" Jun deadpans, and most of the boys' eyes flicker elsewhere.

"But hyung!" Dino argues.

"Dino-yah, kaja" Mingyu says, looping his arm around the young boy and dragging him away as the other boys follow.

Jun lingers behind, shutting the door close behind him quietly before he follows after them. 


GUYS I"M BACK! RINA is ALIVE again omg haha~ I'll start updating lots soon okay? Whoever is reading my other story, be a little patient, I'm sorry! But this story will be updated lots :D 

<3 Thank you all for waiting for me, hope you liked the chapter!"

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