26: Someone's Past

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2010, Busan


A young looking girl, clad in black leather pants, a black shirt and a denim vest, her brown hair held up in a messy ponytail, stands amidst the scuffle on an abandoned street, the street signs faded and the neon signs slowly glowing to life as the sun sets, fist fights and wrestlings all around her, shouts of pain, war cries...

Its another fight between two gangs about something ridiculous, some offence that triggered a physical threat, which then lead to an outburst between two groups of people, some of which had no idea why they were fighting, only that they had to lest they lost their own lives in the scuffle. 

The young girl stood with her feet planted at her floor, refusing to fight unless something forced her to do so, yet unable to stop the ridiculous scuffle that would result in many injuries and the accidental lost of a few lives. They always ended in an alternative of that in some way. 

Suddenly, a young girl's cry catches her attention, a young toddler at most 5 or 6, crouching by the side of a bin and staring with teary eyes the scuffle between two teenaged boys in front of her. This particular fight was violent, the two boys with glass bottles in each hand. 

What was such a young child doing in such an area? 

Which fool would bring a child to the street notorious for fights?

Couldn't the teenaged boys see the young child beside them at all? 

Surely even the most cruel members of a gang had to have some compassion for a young child.

The two glass bottles were swung against each other, and the foresight of shattering glass thrust a sudden burst in this young girl to run, shielding the toddler from the shattering glass.

A thousand pierces on her back caused the girl to let out a cry of pain, effectively stopping the two teenaged boys from fighting momentarily. 

"QUIT IT!", a fiercely warning voice rings out over the emptied street, coming from one of the boys who were fighting behind her. 

"Oppa!" the toddler cried, running over to the boy who had just yelled and stopped the whole scuffle, and the boy picked the toddler girl up in his arms, comforting her and mumbling sweet reassurances. Everyone was staring now, most feeling ashamed for fighting without a real reason. Sometimes these two gangs had even worked together, at one point been close allies, and yet, here they were, fighting over a ridiculous issue no one had any idea of anymore. 

The young girl is crouching away from the stares, hiding the tears prickling her eyes from the crowd.

"Are you okay?" the boy asks gently, surprising the girl with the warm tone of his voice. He was from the other gang.

The girl stays silent to prevent herself from revealing the pain she was feeling from the many shards of glass. 

"Thank you" the boy tries again, and everyone's still watching the exchange, curious as to what was going to happen.

At this point the girl straightens herself up and walks back to her own gang, only stopping to glare at the two boys, disgust and fire burning in her eyes.


"Mark, lets go. We're done here. Tell your sis not to run out to find you next time. Its dangerous, thank god for that girl who protected her."

"I know. I owe that girl a lot now." 


"That wasn't like you, our little ruthless warrior princess."

"You don't expect me to leave such a young child to the stupidity of that scuffle, do you?"

"Alright alright, let's get going Rika. Good thing you stopped the scuffle before anything big happened." 

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