21: Numbed

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Hey guys I realised this chapter was deleted! Thank you all for your messages...And I can only apologise for the insanely long wait. If anyone is still here that is :/

Life just catches up, its tides pulls us away...But you are all family and I hope that this rush of business will float me back to shore...

Rika's POV

I opened my eyes drowsily to find my face against a dusty wooden ground, and with a sharp intake of breath I smelt the same stale and musty smell that could only belong to one of those countless pubs Pledis's old president Han and his mistress frequented. 

What in the world am I doing here? 

I suddenly remember the fight I had with the mother and daughter, the rush of exhilaration and recklessness I had, then the sudden unconsciousness. There was only one conclusion to gain from that— I had been drugged and dragged here. 

This wouldn't be the first time something like this has happened. The last time I sustained a few bruises on my back and a few scars on my arm, but nothing serious. Hyorin always had to be present for these....public beatings, as she called them. Psycho. It was always different men, but the same violence. 

The first time I was always afraid they would do something more than hit me, but they never did, and soon I grew numb to the pain and the shame. 

But this time, trying to sit up, I couldn't even prop myself up from the ground. My hands and legs were bound, but they always were anyway. That wasn't the problem. My days from the street gang had long taught me to fight my way out even with my arms and legs bound, its just that all this time I bore the pain because...I needed the money for eomma. Now I don't have to.

And yet...for once I didn't have the strength in my limbs at all the prop myself up. My body felt so limp and bloodless, and it took all the energy in my arm to clench my fist. I couldn't move. I wouldn't even be able to stand up, let alone run. I can't even escape. 

I hate the feeling of not being able to have control of my own body, being helpless, at the mercy of someone else's whim. Even when I was hit before, at least I knew I had the ability to escape and move.

A flurry of fear rushed through my veins. Just why did they do this to me? Just what did they give me? What were they planning? If it was just normally torturing me physically, they didn't have to go to this extent. 

With all these thoughts running in my mind, my heard started to thump heavily in fear and I felt my spine tingle. Here I was, incapacitated. For once I felt the tears rise to my eyes. Incapacitated in such a place...Was...what...

They...can't be...thinking of...



All I wanted was dignity and pride. 

If what I fears happens to me...I don't think I could ever face eomma...or Bangtan...or Jun...

I could never face myself...




While I was wracking my mind desperately for a way out, some way to escape what I felt was my impending fate, she came, or more like, they came.

Hyorin, strutting in like she had won this one— which she probably had— with three other men following her like loyal dogs. Except this time, the 'men' were somewhat more like boys, looking like they were in their early twenties only. They were dressed recklessly with tattoos across their muscular arms and one with a choker on his neck even. Their hairs were dyed too, one with bright powder pink hair. I'd almost say they were handsome enough to be idols, if not for the situation I was in. But this wasn't the time to judge the appearance of people— I needed to get out of here, and quick. There was no telling what Hyorin had planned for these boys to do to me. There was no telling, with a psycho like Hyorin.

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