49: I won't let you be alone

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Rika's POV

It's so damn cold. 

The glass frame was only covering my front from the peltering rain which was falling down in sheets right now, but my two sides were soaked so heavily with rain water anyway that I decided to return the glass frame back to where it was. It was too heavy to hold with my body growing numb and weak with the cold and it didn't really help me anyway. 

I can feel my whole hair wet and sticking to my back and shirt— I might as well be taking a shower in my clothes now. There isn't even a slight shelter on this rooftop though, freaking Hyorin. 

Sometimes she was so damn stupid but sometimes she was so damn smart. 

Curse my luck too.

It just had to thunderstorm tonight. 

I can't even feel my own fingers or legs because the cold air is so biting. Plus the rain water, it's soaking me and I have no way of hiding from it. 

At first I jumped around and tried to keep myself warm, but all too soon I felt so sleepy and lethargic with the cold.

Curling up against the door on the rock cold pavement, the harsh wind blowing in mockery of my stupidity and the rain just hitting down against me like little pebbles. 

Why are you always so pathetic, Rika? 

I should've just pushed her off the damn roof, goddamnit. 

This was seriously going to be a long night...No one would ever find me up here until the next morning. And you know what? I might be an ice cold corpse tomorrow morning. There's this thing called hypothermia, from the cold, you know? Where people can die? 

And I've got to stop being so snarky even in situations like this. 

I'm feeling so sleepy...


Mingyu's POV

Just where is this girl? Remember the last time I saw her all bloodied and injured, I felt a shudder go up my spine. 

I really hope she's fine. She will be right? She's such a strong girl...But even strong people have their limits. 

"Fricking Han Hyorin," I heard Jun hyung curse under his breath from beside me as he closed his eyes and breathed heavily from under the umbrella we were sharing. Everyone had split up into groups to find Rika. It seemed stupid, but I could feel that something was wrong. 

"It's her again?" I asked, feeling stupid after asking that question. We all knew it had something to do with her anyway. Did we really think all of us would get away unscathed after she didn't get to win her precious first place from the competition? 

"I don't know," Jun sighed, then shook his head furiously, "Nah, scratch that. I do know it's Han Hyorin again." 

*Rrrrring!* *Rrrrrriing!* 

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