50: I'll Never Let You

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Stepping out into the rain again, my feet hit the pavement running once more to the next building as several shouts came from behind me from the other guys.

Nothing's going to stop me.

I won't let you be alone any longer, Rika. 


Rika's POV


At all...

Before I was still shivering from the cold— but now I'm not even. I'm not even being able to shiver anymore. Everything's so hazy around me and I'm not quite sure if it's from the rain or because I'm just slowly fading. 

If I get out of this alive, I'm making sure Hyorin never gets to step up on stage ever again. 

I'm starting to wonder if me thinking of myself as all strong and independent was just a lie to myself. Fake it till you make it— maybe I never made it..

Why am I always...so weak? 

I mentally hit the ground in frustration. I hated being weak. I hate being weak. 

How long has even passed? Minutes? Hours? It could have just been 20 minutes past only, or it could have been five hours.

Eomma, I really don't know what I can do except for wait...

Eomma...I've gotten so used to being with all my friends...suddenly it feels so cold and scary alone.

It's dark and thunder storming, eomma...A-and...I have to admit that I'm really scared. 



Jun's POV

Stepping out into the rain again, my feet hit the pavement running once more to the next building as several shouts came from behind me from the other guys.

Nothing's going to stop me.

I won't let you be alone any longer, Rika.

I'll do this my own way, and no one's going to stop me.

I'm not leaving her alone up there all night waiting for some stupid keys or someone to forcefully open the door. I won't. 

Rika, you have to hang in there, wait for me. I can't explain why— I don't know how to, but you have to wait for me. I won't stay another moment here without you. If no one's going to save you— if I can't save you, then I'll come and join you. I won't leave you for another moment all alone like that. 


Jungkook's POV

Jun hyung is mad, I tell you. 

I couldn't imagine someone who cared for Rika more than I did the moment I first saw her in that storeroom, and how much those feelings grew practicing with her, seeing her serious, seeing her rare laughs, teasing her...Somehow or rather these feelings grew within me for her knowing how bright she could be even with a past like hers, and they were far too strong to be normal. Namjoon hyung said it felt wrong; well it doesn't. 

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