53: Eomma?

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 Rika's POV

I opened my eyes to find myself wrapped in layers and layers of blankets, heat packs warming the bed beneath me so much that I felt like I was boiling myself. 

Yet the warmth felt so comforting as I suddenly remembered being left out on the cold, hard floor in the thunderstorm. This time I remembered everything, up to the point where Jun jumped over the rooftops to be with me...Up to the point he cradled me in his arms. 

Then from there on, I wasn't sure what actually happened, and which part of it I dreamt, because in every single one of my dreams where— I have no idea why— he appears, he says those same words, "I missed you". 

Those dreams got so frequent that I soon came to realise, maybe I was the one missing him, missing them, too much. The words "I missed you" were mine, not theirs. They probably wouldn't have missed me, the odd girl who appeared in their lives then promptly disappeared. All those words they said, I believe them. I believed they were telling the truth when Jun said I meant a lot to them, when Mingyu asked me to stay, told me I was a wildflower.

Of course I believed them. 

I just don't think it mattered as much to them as they did to me. They would've gone on with their own lives after I left, and maybe some of them would remember me now and then, but that was it. That was what I believed. 

But remembering my dream where he said "I missed you" in the rain, that made my heart beat a lot faster than normal, and it made me feel stupid because it was probably just another dream; just me hallucinating because of the dreadful cold and of being left out there for so long in the rain by stupid Han Hyorin. 

"Ahhh..." I lifted myself to sit in the bed as a stretched my stiff, aching body, shaking my head in an attempt to shake off those confusing thoughts. Speaking of which, I had to check if Jun was alright. It was already a miracle that I was alive, but I owed it to him to check if he was alright. 

Sitting up, I looked around at the unfamiliar room and tried to figure out where I was. I wasn't worried though, because I knew I was with Jun last and either the Bangtan Boys, Seventeen, Ae Ri, or Kimmy had gotten me somewhere safe. 

Something on the table beside me buzzed, and I snapped my head over to see a phone light up showing a screensaver with Jungkook and my face on it— a picture he forced me to take and set as my phone background. It was my phone, the one that I couldn't find! 

The generic phone ringtone rang several more times before I registered that someone was calling me, and this was when I promptly picked up the phone and swiped across to answer it.

"Yeobusaeyo?" I spoke, finding my own voice hoarse and broken.

"Rika-ssi?" a formal female voice said, "We have been trying to contact you for the past three days  but were unable to. I believe you might want to make a visit to the hospital now as your mother is currently undergoing emergency surgery."  

Thr-three days? I've been asleep, out cold, being idiotically stupid and sleeping for three days? 

I couldn't even register what I was hearing. 


Emergency surgery..?

W-why was eomma in emergency surgery? 

My mind in a complete blank, I desperately flung the covers off myself and ran for the door, only to stumble with my legs that held no energy and fall to the ground with a thump. But I had to go...I had to go to the hospital. I needed to know what was going on.

The door flung open with a slam and I looked up to see Jungkook and Jin at the door, eyes searching and panicky.

"Rika? What are you trying to do?" Jungkook rushed over and lifted me up to stand.

I merely pushed past him as I found it harder and harder to catch my breath. "I need to go to the hospital."

"Wae?" Jungkook asked anxiously, "Eodi appa? Are you still not feeling well? We only just brought you back yesterday. Where are you hurt still?" 

"Ani," I fought against his arms and my own mind jumbling out of control, "I need to go find eomma. Jigeum. I need to go right now." 


Sigh, uh oh. What's going to happen now?

I blame everything on Han Hyorin............

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<3 RinaYumi.

I'll keep working on updates every now and then but this is the last one for tonight :) 

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