7: Jun

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Rika's POV

I step out to get a washcloth to clean myself and the toilet up, and I turn the corner abruptly, only to walk straight into a chest— I mean, someone. This person's arms were around my shoulders and I quickly stepped back, hiding my bleeding and throbbing arm behind me.

I look up to see a familiar brown hair and almond shaped eyes, a gentle smile playing on the boyish face.

Wen Jun Hui.

I think back to my first day in the company, opening the door only to fall straight into this boy's arms and quickly feel embarrassment rise to my cheeks.

Deja Vu.


Jun's POV

I turned around the corner and a girl with long brown hair tied up into a pony tail walked smack into me. I caught her, my arms around her shoulders and I watched as she straightened and pulled her arm behind her back.

Its her. I feel my heartbeat quicken a little and the yearning suddenly bursts forth.

The girl with fierce but calm eyes, the one I could stare for the longest time ever.The one who has long brown hair, a pale heart shaped face, almond shaped eyes...The one who I said had many other girls far prettier girls than her, and yet I wondered why I was staring at her.

I had only caught glimpses of her this whole year, and before I could catch up to her, to ask her even her name, or thank her for always prepares drinks and towels for us, she always disappeared.

I see her gripping her arm behind her back and notice the blood still on her arms.

What on earth even happened to her?


Rika's POV

Jun's eyes widen as he spots my bleeding arm, and I hide it further behind myself, smiling weakly before bowing to walk away. I don't want any one of them to see me as the wreck I am, a straggled girl with her hair astray, in a plain grey tank top and shorts, cleaning up after everyone— add a pathetically bleeding arm to that equation.

Then I laugh at myself for being foolish. The first day the saw me, I was like this. That was the impression I left on them, so did it make any difference now?

I walk slowly away, pulling my arm to the front so Jun can't see it from behind me, when suddenly I feel someone pull my uninjured arm and tug me wordlessly in the other direction.


What...is he doing?

He pulls me up the stairs to the rooftop, taking out a white box from a cupboard on the way up.

"Just sit" he instructs, as he gently pushes me to sit on the rooftop garden grass. I sit but look at him uncertainly, only to understand when he opens the box and takes out some bandages.

Diamond in the Rough (Seventeen and Bangtan Fanfic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang