61: Jeonghan You Idiot

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Jeonghan's POV


"Go away, I don't care who you are, just go away," he mumbled as he looked away from me even without seeing who I was. The wind was really chilly up on the open rooftop and the floor was wet and disgusting from the rain last night, but that kid was sitting there glaring at the ground. 

"Jungkook," I continued without moving away, "Why was your reaction so weird?" 

I suppose the other boys just took the whole situation in a shock, and so did I. But thinking about it carefully, Jungkook's reaction was out of the ordinary. If I heard I suddenly had a sister I missed, even if bad memories were brought up, I might be shocked for a moment. I might not say a word, or I might feel tortured at the memories.

But I wouldn't have broken the family photoframe, and I wouldn't have brushed her away. I wouldn't have been angry. 

Something was going on with Jungkook and Rika, and Namjoon and Jin knew something about it. Something I was going to find out about. I don't like secrets hidden from me.

"Hyung, just-" Jungkook sighed and ruffled his hair in anger, "I don't want to talk now okay?" 

"Why can't you accept Rika being your sister so badly?" 

I wasn't giving in. Teenage boys were all like that, all of those boys in Seventeen too. Just a little more prodding and they'd give in. They were just too stubborn all the time.

"Wae, Jungkook?" I asked again, "She's pretty, talented, kind, brave...She's kind, she's strong despite all her hardships. Who wouldn't want a sister like that? Wouldn't it be amazing if the two twin siblings were famous multitalented and unique artists? What's wrong with Rika that you-"

"Nothing is wrong with her! Alright hyung? Nothing. Absolutely nothing," Jungkook yelled at me, taking me aback not at him yelling at me, his hyung, but the fact that his voice was cracking, evident of the tears he was trying to hold back as he gulped the tears back. But I knew I'd be closer to getting to the truth (A/N: Jeonghan you little devil. Stop manipulated people and creating your own ships. All of Seventeen being your pabo and your baby isn't enough? Targeting Bangtan now eh?)

"There's nothing wrong with her...and that's the problem," he whispered almost unintillegibly, "Because there's nothing wrong with her...Because I can't find anything to dislike about her...Because I can't...I can't not...like her."

He said he likes her. And that's...not in a brotherly-sister way. No, it would be. Maybe he just doesn't know it...

"Okay..." I hummed slowly then squatted next to him. I didn't want to sit on the muddy ground though..."So you like her...maybe it's just in a sibling way. Isn't it normal for twins to feel for each other a lot?" 

"Hyung!" he snapped over and looked at me angrily before looking away embarrassed, "How could I...Could you accept it yourself if you found out a girl you liked was your twin sister?"

"I..." To be honest, I never thought of it in my own position, but now looking at it...It was indeed hard, but saying so would make the situation worse. Rika's eomma wouldn't lie about something as serious as this, so Jungkook was definitely Rika's twin brother. There was nothing we could change, no matter how much we wished we could. So I forced myself to tell a heartless lie: "It's just one girl, Jungkook. A man can't just fall in love with one girl and think she's the world. I mean-" 

Diamond in the Rough (Seventeen and Bangtan Fanfic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz