24: And We'll Run Away

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Jun's POV

We were at one of those sketchy pubs President Han always went to for whatever odd reasons he had. We were always there to be shown off, and this time it was Dino, Mingyu, Wonwoo, and myself. Even Dino.

How could he decide to bring Dino to such a place? He's still a child.

I never liked our president and his family, but what could I do? I was only an artist under his company. It was because of him I had my dearest group of bandmates and my brothers, Seventeen.

"Hyung...Can we just go adventure upstairs?" Dino asked.

"This isn't a game Dino, I don't want you to learn how to come to these places okay?" I warned, and Mingyu and Wonwoo slung their arms over his shoulders, leading him away from certain areas of the place.

"But hyung! You guys are here right? So let's go!" Dino jumped, pulling us all upstairs.

"Dino, no means no. Lets get down now." Wonwoo had warned. The few of us were older and knew that the pub probably didn't have anything decent going on in the rooms upstairs. But something stopped me in my tracks— stopped all of us, in fact. It was the beautiful, strong and clear voice, singing our song, Shining Diamonds.

My heart stopped for a moment and I stopped breathing.


Rika Rika Rika.

None of the other boys knew the mystery singer was Rika yet, but I did. It was definitely Rika. I'd be able to tell that voice from anywhere.


"Rika" I breathed incredulously, what...what would she be doing here?

"Its pretty noona's voice!" Dino exclaimed.

"Rika!" I yelled, not caring who heard us now. I sense something wrong, something..bad. Rika wouldn't be singing like this. It wasn't like her to be singing like this. Its like she wanted to fight someone with her singing. It sounded like she was singing for help. I remembered the time her arm was bleeding so badly, the loneliness and fire in her eyes, and then I remembered Hoshi telling us how he told Hyorin off.

What if...

"RIKA!" I yelled again, banging on all the doors around us.

Mingyu and Wonwoo started yelling her name too, but I didn't question it, how they knew her name was Rika and what not. This wasn't the time.

I stopped in front of the door her singing was coming from. I would have just barged in, but the door was locked. I knocked on it desperately, angrily, and when Wonwoo and Mingyu started to help me, I tried ramming into the door with my shoulder. Something would bruise badly, for sure, or even strain for a few months with the force I was ramming into the door with but I didn't care. The singing stopped, and the door opened with a swing.

I stood there, breathing raspy and my body and muscles ready to attack.

The four of us stared incredulously at the people who opened the door. Bambam and Jackson sunbaenim from Got7? What were they doing here?

Mingyu and Wonwoo started arguing with the two off them, and it easily turned into a fist fight. I stood breathless, surveying the room. There was blood on the white bedsheets, a lot of it, a broken rope lying on the ground. Rika was here, I heard her singing.

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