52: I Missed You

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In perfect sync as the thunderstorm, the brightest flash of lightning of that night lit up the whole sky and found its ways into the crevices between the clouds just as, if anyone between those two buildings looked up that that moment, the shadow of a boy leapt off the ledge and flew into the air momentarily. 

None of us knew if we were blocking our eyes from the lightning or from seeing what we most didn't want to see happen next.


Rika's POV

But I knew why I was blocking my own vision. I couldn't bring myself to see what was going to happen next.

That fool, Pabo, pabo. Why would he think of something as stupid as jumping over from the other rooftop? What could he do even if he got over here safely? IF he got here safely? 

The tears were still streaming down my face in salty pools even as I pinched my eyes close, then open in a panic the moment I hear a thud.

My throat caught itself and I choked back on tears as I forced myself to look. 

The tears only streamed more, blurring my eyes together with the rain as I saw a huddled figure on my side of the rooftop. 

Jun had landed on this side of the rooftop; He didn't fall through the gap, to his death. But how was he? How okay could he be after jumping across a 3 story high rooftop and landing on brick hard concrete, in this rain? 

Several shouts of concern rang out on the other side, and I knew they were probably the other boys. But I couldn't care less anymore. My legs could no longer find energy in them to move, but knowing it was Jun there spurred my arms into a havoc of energy as I dragged myself, painfully inch by inch towards his direction. 

It was only then where he forced his head up and looked at me through the straggly wet hair fringing his eyes and pushed himself up, running over to me. He could stand. Was he alright?

I felt bad, guilty, that Jun would take his life as a joke just to accompany me. 

But even as he ran to me, I brushed those conflicting feelings aside. Suddenly I felt like the world was alright again. I wasn't alone, and even if I died here tonight, at least I'd have seen his face. 

It's so hard...Jun...


The boy, drenched in rain, runs over to Rika and falls in a heavy heap by her side as he lifts her stiff, cold body and cradles her in his warmth as they both sit in puddles of water on the cold concrete floor. 

The night is cold, windy, and quiet, and all that can be heard is the sobs of a girl as her tears flow down endlessly.

"Stupid. Idiot," she cries even though she cannot move her body. Jun only smiles widely— the widest he has smiled in a while despite their situation. 

"You... idiot! Why... are you... smiling?" Rika mumbles angrily.

"Keunyang," Jun shrugs, "I haven't gotten to spend time with you in a while and now I'm getting to do just that." 

The way he so handsomely, casually says that line leaves Rika speechless for a moment as she grows drowsy from the hours in the cold. "So...you decided to spend time with... me on a rooftop, get-getting... drenched?" she mumbles sleepily. 

Jun stares wordlessly at her face as her eyelids flutter close, the girl he cradled in his arms, gazing over her every feature that he didn't even know he had been missing so much until this moment. Rika also finally lets her body relax into his arms, no longer tensing that she had Jun there. 




"Hey," Jun whispers, shivering as the cold gets to him, "Don't sleep, Rika-yah." 

Rika only turns slowly as she snuggles closer to his embrace and warmth, despite the warmth slowly disappearing from both their bodies due to the endless rain. 

"Don't sleep," Jun repeats slowly even as he feels like his eyes are growing heavy himself, and his body grows stiff from the biting wind, "I need to tell you something important." 

"Okay" Rika whispers slowly without opening her eyes, "I'm...awake." 

Jun slowly bends down to the side of her ear and whispers as though it's a secret, despite the fact that there's no one to listen to anything they said in this rooftop as the rain pelts down mercilessly. 

"I missed you." 

"Hehe," Rika giggles drowsily, releasing the ball she was curled so tightly into as she wraps her arms around Jun's torso, "You say every time, but how come this time we're meeting in the rain in my dreams..?"

Jun's eyebrows frown as a weak smile works its way onto his face and he pulls her closer to trap the warmth. "She's been...dreaming about me? Dreaming about us meeting?" he thinks. 

If they weren't in the cold rain, this might've been the moment he had been waiting for, but how could he think that way while she was freezing to the extent that she could fall unconscious any moment? "Just when would the others find a way to open that door?" he pounded angrily at how useless he felt at this moment, sitting there watching Rika fade slowly away. 

Despite those thoughts bugging his mind, he couldn't help himself from whispering out loud, half hoping she would reply, "What's supposed to happen next after I say I miss you?" 

"Hehe," Rika giggles quietly again and smiles to herself, hiding her face but only snuggling closer to his stomach in her drowsy sleep, making Jun's heart beat faster. 


"Rika?" Jun asks again, tapping her on the shoulder slightly.

"Rika!", Jun cries, panicking when she doesn't reply him anymore. He gets up from the sitting position and kneels beside her, shaking Rika when she doesn't respond to him. "Rika-yah! Wake up!" 

"Someone help, please!" Jun yells out into the rain as the tears suddenly surface again and his breath quickens in panicky breaks. 

A sudden crash floods the rooftop with a square of light as the door bangs down and flips open, and a whole group stumbles out in a panic.

"Wen Jun Hui! Jeon Rika!!" 


I'm so sorry for the long wait...But here on we shall progress to a new phase.

I love you guys, Wildflowers.

Please comment and tell me what you think about this chapter!


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