23: Stay Awake

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Rika's POV

The knocking on the door grew desperate, panicky, even as I kept singing. The louder I sang, the clearer my mind became and I watched as Jackson and Bam's faces twitched uncomfortably. He couldn't even yell at me now that people were at the door.

For some reason, I swear I saw Mark's face pull into a small, satisfied smirk. I really can't figure out this boy.

Suddenly I felt myself being lifted in strong arms and I stopped singing from the pain that shot through my arm and down my torso. I gasped in pain and watched as Mark looked down in my sharply at the sound that escaped my lips. He carried me into a broken looking wooden closet, and then stepped in after me and set me on the side, then closed the closet door.

I looked at him accusingly. This almost felt like the time Jungkook and I hid under the desk, yet this was so different. It was so, so different. The air was musty, my heart was thumping not with excitement, but fear, and my head was throbbing heavily. My arms ached and throbbed with a numb, bulging pain, and there was no mischievous shoving or poking. They were trying to hide me from whoever was at the door, from whoever might have been able to save me.

I could hear the door being opened, and Jackson and Bam were talking to several people who sounded like they were stubbornly trying to get in. I could hear them stepping into the room, and just as I was about to call for help, Mark clamped a firm hand over my mouth, stopping me from screaming for help. I struggled against him with as much energy as I could find, although not much was left.

I pushed against him and wriggled my body around to get away from his grasp, when all of a sudden, I felt a sharp, volt of electricity run down my side and something dig into my skin, ripping it. The darned wooden closet had some sort of large broken splinter.

The pain was excruciating, and my whole body stiffened and my breath grew ragged. This whole time, the pain was numbing, throbbing, but this sudden, piercing, ripping pain stopped my breath. My side felt like it was on fire and on ice, and I felt the tears spill from my eyes uncontrollably.

At the tears, I felt Mark's hand drop away in shock, and I took this chance to cry out for help. It was hardly a noise I made, more like a wheeze, but I was heard. The noise outside stopped all of a sudden, but I felt my head grow dizzy. Pressing my hand to my side, I could feel blood, and lots of it. My head grew light and I felt unconsciousness taking me over in more ways than one.

Nothing around me was making sense anymore.

I felt arms steady my back.

I could see bright light suddenly shining painfully on my eyes.

There were shouts of anger outside.

I could hear fists being exchanged.

I felt myself being lifted gently, but I still winced uncomfortably at the excruciating throb everywhere.

If I died now, maybe all this pain would go away.

For once, I didn't feel like fighting anything, or anyone.

I wanted everyone to leave me alone.

Just let me...die...

I was being carried, somewhere.

I don't care who it is, Jackson, Mark, Hyorin...

I don't care...

They can do what they want...

I don't care anymore...





"You'll be alright, you'll be alright," the voice kept saying.

I was being carried on someone's back now, someone whose back was large and warm and comforting. Whoever's back this was smelt comforting too, and I could just fall asleep on it. If I just fell asleep, maybe I wouldn't have to awake to this pain ever again.

"Rika, no, don't you dare sleep on me. You have to stay awake alright?" the voice warned, and I just smiled. A hand from the side brushed away the hair that was getting trapped across my torn and broken lips.

Who were these people?

"You have to stay awake, just stay awake" a different voice said. Both were such warm voices, voices part of me recognised.

"Hyung I found the nearest hospital but it will take us forty minutes to run there" a younger voice said in panic.


"She won't last that long" the warm back resonated as the person carrying me spoke, "Stay with her, Dino call an ambulance, I'll do the running."

I felt myself being transferred on a lying position on the floor, but my eyes were already closing and my mind was foggy.

Stay awake the voice had said...

Stay awake, Rika...

I could trust that voice, somehow I knew.

Stay awake...

Stay aw-....


"I won't say anything. Let the feels flood into you <3"

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