Chapter Two

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My legs were running at the speed of light. I didn't want them to catch me. I couldn't let them catch me. I needed to be free. I have spent long enough in this Hell hole and I don't want to spend any longer here. I just want to go home. I just want to be free.

Let's pray Hell is a nice place...

"Katerina look out!" Someone shouted from aside me.

I turn my head and saw Sif with a double bladed sword in her hand, she was in a typical warrior fighting stance as she looks at me with worry.

"What?" I call back confused.

"Look out!" She shouts once more. I raise my eyebrows.

What was she on about?

I look up and instantly knew exactly what she was talking about.

"Ohhhhh.... that," I say dumbly.

I let my feet carry me again as the frost giant sped towards me. I was slowly getting tired and I knew that I would collapse anytime soon but I couldn't let that happen to me.

I am stronger than I believe myself to be and I will survive this.

I saw the edge of the cliff ahead and knew if I didn't stop I would fall to my death, but then I realised that if I did, then I would be serving Laufey for the rest of my life.

Well... It's worth the risk.

Just as I was about to jump over the edge, a pair of arms wrapped around my torso.

But I was ready to leave! Why won't anyone let me be free of this Hell?!

I start to thrash about and I was just about to scream when a hand flew around my mouth. I turn my head around over my shoulder and see the same green eyes who had saved me before.

"Loki?" I mumble out in shock.

He put his other hand on his lips keeping me quiet as I nod listening to Loki and watch as the frost giant ran straight into a hologram of Loki and fell straight through it.

Priceless... Brilliant!... Wait how did he do that?

"Why do I always seem to be saving you?" He asks me, a little mischief in his eyes.

He then releases my mouth and allows me to answer.

"Because it was meant to be," I had wanted to say but instead decided to change my answer. I didn't want to sound like a lovestruck puppy to one of my current saviours.

"Because you are in the right place at the right time," I tell him, lightly smiling. 

Loki still had ahold of my waist and he didn't seem to want to let go.

"I'm just that lucky," He mutters under his breath.

I chuckle nervously and nod my head.

"We better be getting back to the battle," I inform him slightly pushing onto his chest.

He nods his own head and reluctantly releases me from his grip.

We walk out of our hiding place and then start to run again, the sooner I get off of this realm, the better. Loki threw several blades at different frost giants, whilst I continued to full on punch them.

Why not enjoy a little violence when I've been imprisoned on this frozen rock?

"Don't let them touch you!" I heard someone shout.

The Tigress and The Frost giant | Loki & Avengers FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now