Chapter Twenty-Two: Captured

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As my mind awakens, I feel a comforting heat beside me and my body snuggles closer into the warmth. My eyes begin to slowly open as I huddle into the body beside me. Without thinking, my arms automatically wrap around the other body and embrace who I believe to be David's sleeping form as I can hear the light breathing. My head rests gently against his chest as I sigh happily, oblivious to who I was actually learning on.

Groggily, I yawn and breathe in, but that's when I notice something different. David's scent had changed.

I'm not laying on David...

"What the fu-" I snap as I feel lift my head to meet the eyes of the last man I thought I would be sleeping on.

"How did this happen?!" I mutter rapidly, my breathing increasing as panic begins to settle into my stomach. I look around and notice the glass wall surrounding my body.

No, this can't be happening, this can't be. I think to myself.

I twirl around and stare at all of the glass walls as I feel my body temperature increase, I was in a small and enclosed space.

Small... Enclosed...


I perk my ears up and stare at the man behind the voice. I turn my head to face a worried-looking Loki who is now on his feet looking at me, concern coating his face.

"Kaitlyn?" he repeats as I shake my head, my breathing increasing as I realise that I am locked in this cell with this man. Loki takes a step towards me and I shake my head and hold my hands up in front of me.

"No... no... s.. stay b.. b... back!" I exclaim stuttering, fear lacing my tone as I feel a little sweat trickle down the back of my neck.

"Kaitlyn, I-" I lowly growl at him, my eyes lightening as I shake my head.

"I said stay back!" I snarl. Loki nods his head as he watches me attentively as my head turns to the glass as I walk over toward it placing my hand gently on it.

"Why am I in here?" I question softly, my eyes briefly closing as I try to calm my racing heartbeat.

"How did I get in here?" I continue to ask as I remember nothing of the previous night.

As I look around waiting for answers, I feel the glass begin to enclose on me. Everything begins to feel smaller and my breathing begins to restrict its flow.

"You came in here last night after you and that mortal fought," Loki tells me as I close my eyes as my body begins to shake.

I cry out as my head begins to burn as I collapse to my knees clutching my head.

"Kaitlyn?!" I hear Loki shout as all of last nights memories come flooding into my head.

David and me fighting, me turning into this monster I am... Staying here with Loki... Loki releasing his control on me...

As these memories flashback into my mind, it still doesn't explain one thing...

Why was I suddenly feeling claustrophobic?


Everywhere around me is darkness. A cavern of night surrounds my vision as I feel my body lay on the frozen floor, parts of my bare skin sticking to the ice. Goosebumps cover my skin and when I breathe out, white thick smoke floats in the air.

However, when I turn around a miracle happens. One source of light, although dim, shines in the distance and the determination to leave this place, wherever I may be rising within my spirit. Slowly standing to my feet, I feel my knees buckle under the foreign pressure of my body weight which leads me to question, "how long have I been on the ice for?".

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