Chapter Thirteen: The New King

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"You have magic?" 

Were the first words that I heard him speak. 

I look at him and nod my head slowly, hesitant. 

This is what I was going with, I knew that telling him I had magic would not be as surprising as telling him I changed into a beast. 

I knew that he would be more accepting with knowing I have magic rather than finding out I could kill him if I got too angry. 

"That's why I was able to disappear from your sight, I used my magic..." I explain.

I sigh and then close my eyes. 

Was this a bad idea? Would he have preferred not to know I had magic and just live knowing I was normal?

I turn away from him, afraid of rejection.

Maybe this was a bad idea telling him that I had a gift. 

The gift that so many feared, even though I knew he wouldn't fear me seeing as he himself had magic, although I could be wrong.

He could hate me for not being normal.

But there is one thing I know for sure...  

You cannot stop having magic. It's near enough impossible.

Just like my curse...

"I shouldn't have told you that. I'm sorry, now you'll hate me," I say and I feel a tear trickle down my cheek. 

I take a small breath in and crane my head down. 

He will hate me. 

"Katrina, I don't hate you." He says gently shaking his head. 

I quickly open my eyes. 

He has to be lying. 

He cannot be serious. 

I don't want to look at him in fear that he would reject me and reject my friendship as many had because of me having magic. 

"Why would I?" He asks me.

I think my mind is so preoccupied with the idea of him rejecting me that I forget about him having magic.  

Everyone who has magic is hated, no one understands what it's like to be me. 

To have magic but to also have this curse.  

"Because everyone else does. Nobody understands, Loki. They all fear magic and most who think that they can handle it can't. People hate me and my kind so why should I not hate them back? They do not understand..." I tell him, remembering the harsh words I received when people found out what I was. 

He looks at me sympathetically. 

"I used to love having magic and then one day someone rejected me for having it, they called me a monster... a freak!" I exclaim as tears roll down my eyes. 

I changed the words "my curse" to "magic" in my previous sentence to still protect myself from the rejection.

"When my kingdom found out what I was like they feared me," I say gently, my tears producing faster.

I remember back when my kingdom found out that I was a monster, it was when I lost control and transformed into the thing I hated.

I might have been fearful of what I could do before they found out about my curse but at least I accepted who I was back then, now... I don't want this curse to be apart of me. 

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