Chapter Eighteen: The Hooded Nightmare

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I wake up to feel my limbs tied tightly to the arms and tied of an ice-cold steel chair. Panic settles into my body, as my anxiety levels rise at the confusion of the situation I am currently in.

No one is around to save me and I am all alone.

I try to move but the bind tying me prevents me from breathing calmly let alone move around to supply oxygen to my much-needed ligaments. I cannot do anything but sit and pray for someone to save me, I feel like a damsel in distress, something I was not used to.

"Oh, here kitty, kitty, kitty..." a singing voice mocks in the distance. My head snaps to attention as I try desperately to see how was speaking, who had captured me.

"Katrina," the voice speaks directly beside my ear as I shiver in fear, the hairs on my airs rising.

"W- who are you?" I ask, my voice shaking as the words slur from my lips.

The voice cackles and it echoes through the air, seeming to get further and further away from my strapped up body. But as the laugh fades away I hear moaning and struggling. I try to locate the sound with my hearing but fail. That is until I pinpoint it directly in front of me.

"Hello?" I question, listening to the struggling in front of me.

A bright spotlight shines in the centre of the room and I see two men tied up and a piece of cloth shoved into their mouths, muffling their speech.

The first man I see has grey and blonde hair and his eyes are dark chocolate. He is well built and looks to be wearing strange clothing, strange but recognisable. The other man has dark black and gold hair. His light ice blue eyes staring into mine almost pleading. The two men showed some resemblance to one another, maybe they were cousins? Brothers?

"He raises his muzzle to the bright full moon.

He howls his lonely song.

The call of the wild.

That all too soon


And is gone..."

The same dark voice says as I hear footsteps approaching me. I look around frantically and then feel a presence behind me. I tense when I feel two icy hands place themselves on my shoulders, the thumbs of the figure's hands rubbing gentle circles into my blades as I inwardly cringe.

"Hey! Get off m-" I begin to snarl in anger but am stopped mid-sentence when the stranger walks around and stands proud in front of me. I cannot see his face as it is clouded by a dark hood. But his voice I can hear clearly.

"My little kitty made some friends a long time ago, back when she remembered who she was," the male voice mocks.

"Who even are you?" I question tugging on the golden chains that bound my flesh.

"These two people were your friends my little kitten, but you do not remember them, correct?" he asks me, ignoring my question completely.

I stare at the other two men again and shake my head, I have no idea who these people both were.

The figure chuckles and snaps his fingers.

"Speak boys," he orders with amusement in his tone.

The material around their mouths both vanishes as I watch as both men lick their dry lips before staring directly at me.

"Katrina? Oh my god! What happened to you?!" the blonde-haired man asks me frantically. The other man nods his head in agreement with the blonde's statement.

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